Passing the (UN)Welcome Sign

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Quote Idea:

"Did you bring us here to die?"

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not."

Caroline takes her now very human bff Katherine down to New Orleans, where the Mikaelsons are currently living.

Ever since passing the 'Welcome to New Orleans' sign, Katherine had been on edge. Her hands gripped the seat and her shoulders had yet to untense. She was almost shaking, and although she had drug her along, Caroline could understand why. New Orleans was the city where the Originals were currently living, Katherine's former flame and her mortal enemy being amongst them. They were here for the former of course, not that Caroline had told her yet, but if she was going to let go and stop fighting the rapid death that was approaching her, then Caroline wanted her to do it without any regrets and the brunette doppelganger had one massive one regarding the moral suit wearing Original.

"Did you bring us here to die?" she finally spoke, her voice small and afraid.

"Obviously." Caroline replied, almost snorting.

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not." Katherine side eyed her, still looking like she might try jumping from the car. She'd already tried once before and had gotten herself dragged back kicking and screaming into the passenger seat, so Caroline knew she wasn't going to try it again. She'd been uncomfortable even being in the state, but the closer they got to New Orleans, the more on edge she'd gotten. Once she realized they were still consistently going in the direction of that infamous city, she'd unsuccessfully tried to bolt. Now, her hair was frizzy and clothes in a state of disarray.

It was strange to see Katherine in such a state for any length of time, and Caroline supposed the only reason she hadn't tried to fix herself up was the fear that had her gripping the seat with everything she had.

"Of course, I'm being sarcastic! Why would I be serious?" This time she couldn't hold back the snort of disbelief and almost laughed when she spoke.

"Well how am I supposed to know that?" Katherine snapped at her, "You drag me on a field trip to the great unknown for some fun and end up driving me right down to the doorstep of my worst enemy! What else am I supposed to think?"

Caroline squirmed, "I guess when you put it that way..." she trailed off, "It does seem kinda bad, but I promise we're not here to get you killed." she promised. "We're here because if you're not going to fight this rapid aging thing, then I want you to be able to let go with no regrets, you know?" she wet her lips, "And besides, Klaus isn't going to kill us."

"He's been chasing me and trying to kill me for five hundred years." Katherine reminds her, "The only reason you're still around even with the stupid things the Scooby Squad does is because he actually likes you. But now that your besties with me and conveniently forgot to tell him I was a healthy human before Silas got to me, he just might have run out of his 'love for Caroline' juice. We walk in there and we're both dead. "

Caroline rolled her eyes. "We're not even here for Klaus." she scoffed, "We're here so you can say your last goodbyes to the man you've been in love with for more than five hundred years and curse him out or whatever you want to do for leaving you." she admitted, "If it comes down to it..." she took a breath and let it out slowly, like she was disappointed in herself, "I guess I'll play little blonde distraction one more time." She hated the idea of playing with Klaus's feelings, and she wouldn't do that. She'd just... entertain him until Katherine was done talking to Elijah.

She gave the blonde in the driver's seat a hard stare. For all the faults in her plan, she was only trying to help. She was genuine, and while she stared at her, Katherine realized it was refreshing. It was refreshing to have someone on her side for once, willing to help her just for the sake of helping her. Not looking for anything in return, no ulterior motives. Just... genuine kindness and empathy.

With an unsteady breath she forced herself to sink back into her seat and relax the death grip she had on the cushion. The tenseness wouldn't fully go away, not with how close to Klaus she was, but she hid it under a smooth mask of uncaring indifference that she knew Caroline could see right through. "Whatever. I'm dying anyways." she shook her head and muttered, curls bouncing slightly from the movement. Clearing her throat she announced, "All right Forbes. I'll play your little game, see the sights, maybe even try to talk about my feelings with Elijah. But-" she stopped Caroline from celebrating her acquiescence too soon, "Only if you talk to the big bad hybrid about yours. Deal?"

"But this trip isn't about me!" she protested, and Katherine narrowed her eyes and shifted, crossing her knees.

"Deal?" she repeated.

"We're here for you! I'm not the one dying!" she continued before meeting Katherine's narrowed eyes, challenging her.

"Oh no you are not getting out of this!" she declared, "You're talking to Elijah, so you don't have any more regrets about it. So, if that means that I have to tell Klaus how I feel about him, then fine. Deal." Katherine almost blinked in surprise, the baby vamp had guts, that was for sure. Her blue eyes blazed as she accepted Katherine's bait and rose to her challenge. They were silent as she navigated her way through the city, both girls needing to think about what they would say to the Original men they were coming here to meet. She almost looked nervous as she drove them through the ornate gate and parked in the Mikaelson's driveway.

"Alright Forbes." The pair exchanged a look and the nervousness in Caroline's eyes faded at Katherine's false bravado. "Let's do this." 

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