If I Die Before I Wake (2)

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CONTINUATION FOR CHAPTER 10 - If I Die Before I Wake chapter

Requester: AnosDT95 on Fanfiction . net

Prompt/Request: What if instead of sacrificing Jenna Klaus made Elena choose between Jenna and Damon. Elena chooses Damon. So he gets sacrificed and Jenna is still around as a vampire.

Alaric paced bath and forth, running hands roughly through his hair as though the sensation would somehow relieve him of his anxious worry. He knew Elena would be returning to them, albeit as a vampire if that elixir Elijah gave her didn't work, but she'd be alright. What was making him so worried was the fact that Jenna had been missing ever since Damon had whipped his jacket on and left in a rage, seething that he always had to fix everything himself. Jeremy was curled up on the couch next to him, staring blankly into the fire.

Stefan's eyes shot to the door and his eyes narrowed as he listened to the footsteps approaching. Everyone's eyes followed him to the door as he flashed over to it and yanked it open. He was the first to speak, a quiet "Oh my god" was whispered. Jenna looked almost like a zombie in front of them, her eyes were unfocused, and she murmured, "Jeremy, check on Jeremy."

"Aunt Jenna!" Jeremy shot up from his seat and immediately sped past Alaric and almost passed Stefan before the vampire stopped him. "Wait!" he warned him, "Jeremy." he whispered gently, "She could hurt you."

"Let go of me!" Jeremy snapped, "I need to see her! Jenna!" He called, trying to get her attention, but her eyes were still unfocussed and blurry from compulsion.

"Jeremy, she's a baby vampire. She might kill you." he blurts as Alaric stumbles his way over to the door and there are three of the crowded right inside.

She shook on her feet and Stefan reached in front of them to push them back, a motion to protect them from her and Jeremy hated it. He hated the idea that Stefan thought he needed to protect him from his Aunt. "Jenna!" Jeremy managed to reach out right past Stefan and touch her shoulder before both he and Alaric were pulled back and hidden in the living room out of sight by Stefan. In the next moment it was like a switch was flipped.

"Jeremy." she murmured and then blinked, all confusion and blankness gone. Her expression immediately jumped to worry when she realized she was standing right in front of her door, and it was wide open. "Jeremy!" she cried out, panic setting in and she rushed forward, "Jeremy!" her eyes jumped around wildly as she shook and frantically tried to find her nephew. "Jeremy!" she breathed, a high-pitched sound of relief at seeing her nephew standing beside the couch with hopeful eyes. Behind him was Alaric and in front was Stefan.

Just as suddenly as her relief at seeing her nephew safe and sound had hit, Jeremy, Alaric, and even Stefan all screamed, and she was frozen for a different reason. "Oh." her eyelids fluttered, and she let out a breath, a shaky hand reaching for the dull pain at her stomach. She looked away from their worried faces down to her stomach where a wood rod was protruding. "Ow." she dimly thought it should hurt more. She stared at it, red blood slowly trailing down the wood and starting to drip on the floor. Distantly, she thought she needed to go get a rag to clean it up.

It was when Alaric and Jeremy rushed forward to help that John stepped forward and held up his crossbow and she realized it wasn't a wood rod in her stomach, it was a wooden stake. She'd just been staked in the gut. "Step back." he ordered them, "Jeremy, I won't leave you in the care of a vampire." He scowled at her in a way he'd always done, "She never should have been made your guardian." he mumbled angrily to himself, but the others in the room caught it even without vampire hearing. "I'm just putting her out of her misery." he spoke louder, "Jeremy, leave the room and let me handle this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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