Numberblocks mlp au!

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tldr: ponies + numberblocks = cool


Numberblocks au where they're ponies living in a more modernized equestria that's like gen 4 equestria but later. Like we're definitely not at gen 5 yet, but just after the series. Twilight is the queen and stuff and the mane 6 are still around but there's no friendship crusades and stuff. Also there's no real canon characters involved in the story either lol.

But yeah! They still have number magic, and it's actually an important plot point! Number magic is different than pony magic, almost like a boost? But in practice the two kind of co exist, but the number ponies' practical magic (as in magic they actually use) comes from number magic as opposed to normal pony magic.

This number magic manifests in the form of the what-iffer, a sentient being made of number magic who has taken the form of an alicorn. He was a new god, but a powerful one nonetheless. Well, at least he used to be. He disappeared to lands unknown around 7 years ago to regain his magic and strength after it mysteriously depleting. (Stolen, perhaps?)

Speaking of alicorns and magic, there's a system on how i made each number a pony, idk if I should call it a system tho?

Ok so basically numbers with passive number magic like two's balance, fifteen's stealth, and eleven's football skills are earth ponies. All earth ponies have passive magic in mlp canon (most seen in gen 5's Make Your Mark series), but number ponies' (as I'm going to dub them as now) magic is more active and potent, like we see in the show.

(Here's pony!Two as an example, Their magic is expressed through his incredible balance and agility on her two front hooves :D)

Numbers with more active and potent abilities are unicorns, which in the mlp world, can actively channel magic to do things like make stuff float and cast spells

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Numbers with more active and potent abilities are unicorns, which in the mlp world, can actively channel magic to do things like make stuff float and cast spells. For number ponies, this is activated by a mix of math and their abilities in the og show. 

Their horns also do not work like normal pony horns, as most of them have much harder times casting traditional spells. For example, the most common (and seemingly easiest) spell unicorns cast is telekinesis. Because number magic is different than pony magic in a fundamental way, such a feat can be extremely difficult for a number pony with a horn like One and Three, or they can, but in a different way. Like, One straight up can't make stuff float, but Three has excellent telekinesis, but she can only make 3 things float, no more and no less.

But this active magic can also be extremely powerful if used for the right things. Going back to Canon!One, she embodies creation. They can create things out of thin air, even bringing back the entire world at one point after zero accidentally deleted it. They can't make stuff float or preform most traditional unicorn spells, but they are just as proficient at what his abilities are in her original show.

(Already used them as an example, but here's pony!One :3)

Finally, we have pegasi! Numbers who are super rectangles are (generally) pegasi

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Finally, we have pegasi! Numbers who are super rectangles are (generally) pegasi. Pegasi are the rarest type of number pony, because most of their magic is channeled to their wings, like how Magic's purpose in regular mlp pegasi is mainly to let a Pegasus fly. 

The reason only super rectangles can be pegasi is because of their proficiency in rays. Speaking of rays, they work like the classic "rays on non-block numberblocks in aus are wings made of light" idea. I kinda stole it for this au lol. I see it floating around often but can't remember who originally thought of it, so huge shoutout to them! But yeah. All the numbers can use rays, but on non-Pegasi they are detached wings made of what looks like light but is actually number magic. But on a Pegasus number pony, when they use rays, their wing's feathers glow and become number magic  and stuff. 

Rays are MUCH more powerful on pegasi due to them already having pony magic that channels directly into their wings (which they can fly with normally like canon mlp pegasi without the use of rays), but also because they are masters of the rays in the show, meaning that their rays are naturally more powerful. For a Pegasus number pony, rays are mainly a speed and power boost to their wings. 

(For example, here's pony!Twelve! She has regular Pegasus wings, but they become channels of number magic when she uses rays. She's also the first Pegasus we meet other than zero.)

As I've already said, this au takes place as the numberblocks cast living as ponies in a modernized equestria, most likely in Manehattan

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As I've already said, this au takes place as the numberblocks cast living as ponies in a modernized equestria, most likely in Manehattan. Here, they start out living separately among normal ponies, but find and meet each other to feel unified, with each other and protect one another. Why do they need to protect each other (mainly 0-10) you may ask? Well, some pretty powerful ponies know about number magic, mainly in reference to Zero, One, and the What-iffer. And they aren't all that happy about it. These special ponies must unite to figure out who they are, what the deal with their magic is, and protect each other from the hostile world ahead of them.

I could spend ages going into depth, but this chapter explaining the basics is just shy of 1000 words, so I'm gonna put a cap on it for today lmao. TYSM for reading tho! I'm hoping to have the motivation to do stuff with this au, so if I do, I'll make sure to post about it!

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