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"So what's our next assignment, Captain?" Lisa asked John after he came back on the bridge after talking with Admiral Renjay in his office.

"We're to travel to the planet Ephosia and pick up another Ambassador and take him to the planet Draxum where he is to negotiate some sort of trade dispute. You know, the usual."

"I've never been to Ephosia before," Tamala interjected.

"Neither have I, Lieutenant," John said. "As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever met an Ephosian before."

"I have," Lisa chimed in.

"Really?" said John.

"Yeah," Lisa replied, nodding. "There were a couple of Ephosians who served aboard my last ship The Valiant."

"What were they like?"

Lisa shrugged. "They were actually pretty genial. At least I thought they were."

"Well, given what self-serving pains in the ass the other Ambassadors we've transported tend to be, I'm actually looking forward to having one onboard who is genial." John then looked over at ship's pilot Zack. "Mr. Renjay, lay in a course for the planet Ephosia."

"Aye, Captain." He keyed in the coordinates. "Course laid in, sir."

"Let's go."

The ship flew to the planet of Ephosia . . .


John, Lisa and Bortis stood in front of the landing bay the way they had done so many times before waiting to greet yet another Ambassador. The shuttlecraft carrying the Ambassador flew from the planet and into the landing bay without incident. John watched as the shuttlecraft door opened and out walked a tall man with yellowish skin and a petite woman with the same yellowish tint to her skin walking steadily beside him. John was struck by how similar to humans the Ephosians looked save for the small ridges on their forehead and their earlobes drooped longer than they did on the average human. John was also struck by how attractive the woman was whoever she was. They both walked up to John and the others.

"Hello," John said cordially to them. "I'm Captain John Yager. This is my first officer Commander Steiner and my chief of security Bortis."

"Hello," the man said just as cordially. "I am Ambassador Nisan." He gestured at the woman standing next to him. "And this is my wife Anura."

"Ma'am," John said to her with a respectful nod. "Welcome aboard."

"Thank you, Captain," Anura said with a wide smile.

"Ambassador, I'm sure you and your wife would like to rest, so, if you'll follow Bortis, he will show you to your quarters."

All of a sudden Anura stepped forward and gently placed her hand on John's arm. She gazed up at him with the bluest eyes he had ever seen on a woman, alien or otherwise.

"Captain, would it be possible for you to show us to our quarters?"

John was taken aback since this was the first time a guest aboard the ship had ever asked him to take them to their quarters. But he didn't really read too much into her request, so he said, "Of course. If that's what you'd prefer." He then turned to Lisa and Bortis and said to them, "Commander, you and Boris return to the bridge. I'll be there as soon as I show our guests to their quarters."

"Very well, Captain," Lisa said.

He looked back at Nisan and Anura. "Ambassador, if you and your wife would please follow me."

"Thank you, Captain," Nisan said.

John ignored the smirky look on Lisa's face as Anura wrapped her arm around his as they began walking down the hallway to their quarters . . .

THE RELIANT: DARK HORIZONSWhere stories live. Discover now