Chapter Eleven - A turn of events

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I came back to the land of consciousness to a commotion. I had no idea what was going on but I quickly figured I blacked out for a moment. When my vision cleared Snape was no where to be seen. Lupin and Sirius were trying to spell who I think was scabbers. I sat up just as the rat turned into a human.

"What?" I ask Hermione

"Peter Pettigrew is actually Scabbers or the other way around." she quickly told me. I nodded slightly

"Remus? Sirius? My old friends" Scabbers or rather Peter Pettigrew tried to scatter past them but they weren't about to let him go. I knew that it wasn't long I had been past out but enough to miss a chunk of information. The rat to human still twitched like a rat and looked around.

"Harry! Look at you. You look so much like your father, like James. We were the best of friends ..."

"How dare you speak to Harry!" Sirius shouted and then chase him across the room "How dare you talk about James in front of him."

"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort." Lupin insisted

"I didn't mean to." he whined "The Dark lord. You have no idea the weapons he possesses. Ask yourself Sirius. What would you have done? What would you have done?" Pettigrew questioned

"I would have died rather than betray my friends." Petigrew surged underneath the piano. Harry blocked the door way. Pettigrew grabbed him by the shoulder muttering something to him. Sirius and Lupin pulled him off.

"Who's the bad guy now?" I ask my friend

"Pettigrew. Black's innocent, he always has been." she told me and I nodded

"You should have realised if Voldemort didn't kill you, we would, together!" Lupin exclaimed as they both held out wands.

"No!" Harry stopped them.

"Harry this man..." Lupin went to reason with him

"I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle." Harry ordered walking away from the door

"Bless you boy, bless you." Pettigrew tried to get Harry's leg but Harry pulled away, sharply

"Get off! I said we'd take you to the castle. After that the dementors can have you." Harry retorted finishing off what he was saying.


Sirius and Harry helped an injured Ron out. Hermione guided me out holding onto my waist and Lupin held his wand behind Pettigrew. All of us had gotten our wands back, expect Sirius who only had a stolen wand.

"How long was I actually out for?" I asked Mione

"About five to ten minutes." she answered and I nodded

"And in that time, it's established that Harry attacks Snape. Sirius was convicted for Pettigrews crime, Scabbers is actually Pettigrew, who sold out the Potters and is the reason their dead and that all of them including Harry's dad are the marauders that the map belonged too. A lot happens in ten minutes" I commented. Soon enough we emerged from under the whomping willow which was spelled still. Hermione lowered me next to Ron. Sirus went to look up at the castle. Harry looked over at him.

"you better go." Ron encouraged

"No. Don't worry, okay? I'll stay." Harry replied

"You go, we'll stay." we insisted and he went over to speak to his godfather.

"It looks painful." I commented about his ankle as he held onto his leg to keep everything still.

"it is painful... they might chop it off." he answered

"Don't be so dramatic Ron. The worst you'll be is off your feet for a few days and miss some classes." I gawked

"Yes. i'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat." Hermione agreed with me

"It's too late. It's ruined. It'll have to be chopped off."

"Please stop. You'll be fine, if I can come back from being severely injured by your sister. You can survive a dog bite. Haven't you leaned by now? We're a lot tougher than we look." I slapped his shoulder

"Are you ever going to forgive her for that?" he wondered

"I have, I just didn't forget. Your my friend Ron and because your my friend I'll not go after your little sister. Take the win."

"Ron!" Lupin came out with Pettigrew "Haven't I been a god friend. A good pet? You won't let them give me to the dementors will you? I was your rat!" Pettigrew pleased with the redhead.

"Sweet girls. Clever girls! Surly you won't..." Lupin pulled him away

"Get away from them." Lupin grunted pulling him away. I stood up looking over at Harry and Sirius. If Sirius really was still good and didn't turn dark maybe there was hope for me yet. i stretched and did my best to pin my hair back under the made up bloodied banage. That was when I noticed the full moon emerging.

"Harry!" I yelled. He looked back and I pointed at the moon. They came running over as Lupin began his transformation. I stumbled back to my friends as Sirius tried to stop him. I helped get Ron up with Hermione. Harry joined us. Lupin dropped his wand and Pettigrew picked it up.

"Expeliarmus." Harry expelled it from Pettigrews grasp. However Pettigrew took the time in the commotion to turn himself back into a rat and scurry off. I pulled Harry back before he could leave.

"Run!" Sirius yelled as Lupin completed his transformation throwing Sirius away. Lupin was breathing heavily now in wolf form

"Wait, wait." Hermione stopped us "Professor?" she asked

"Mione, don't" i tell her

"Professor Lupin?" Lupin howled starting my friend and returning to us as we held each other. Snape came out at this point ready to school Harry when he realised what was going on and shielded us. Lupin took a swipe but missed then Sirius in his dog form attacked and fought with Lupin, who then chased after him

"Sirius!" Harry and i call breaking away from the others and running over to where they last were.

"Come back here, you two." Snape snapped as I saw the two in a brutal fight. Harry past me a rock and we threw two at them . Lupins werewolf form growled at us and stalked our way till there was another howl in the distance. It distracted Lupin and he left us. We saw Sirius limping away. Harry grabbed my hand and we followed him down to a lake.

"Sirius!" I call looking around, there by the water was a unmoving figure

"Sirius!" Harry yelled and we ran to his side.

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