Chapter Nineteen - Eternal Glory effect

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I took shelter in the great hall from the rain so that I could study. The flame from the Goblet of fire lit up the entire room in a nice blue glow. One by one students who were seventeen put their name forward to be chosen. There was a round of cheers as Cedric was pushed forward all wet from the rain. As he did so there was a clap for him dropping the parchment in. Harry and Ron stood by awkwardly as he passed them. I however went back to reading.

"Not impressed, Vega?" I look up to see a smiling Cedric in front of me

"Should I be? Many Wizards strive for eternal glory and have a legacy. It's not all it's cracked up to be." I crossed my legs

"Speaking from experience?" he wondered

"Yes. I am. Say you do get chosen and win, what will be the price? Money, eternal glory, your name plastered everywhere? To add you'll be haunted, it will change the very person you are and the future if you have it will effect those you care about." I stood up and came down the few steps of the stacked seating.

"A bit grim of a future you predict. Can't you have a little faith?" he questioned

"In my family, faith is a dangerous thing. Will hope suffice?"

"I think I can take hope" he smirked a little

"Then I hope you don't get picked, that's the only way right now your certain to have a better future. Goodbye Cedric." I leave to go to Ron and Harry.

"What were you two talking about?" Harry wondered but before I could answer the twins arrived in a happy mood. I heard that they were attempting to make a ageing potion so that they could enter their names, sounds like they had good news.

"Well, lads we've done it." Fred stated

"Cooked it up just this morning." George added as the showed everyone the vials they had.

"It's not going to work." Hermione sang catching their attention the crouch beside her

"Oh yeah?"

"And why's that Granger?"

"You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." Hermione told them which didn't seem to bother them


"So." Hermione scoffed "A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as a ageing potion.

"But that's why it's so brilliant."

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." George grinned and the two stood up shaking their potions "Ready Fred?"

"Ready George. Bottoms up." they both drank their potion then jumped past the ageing circle. Nothing happened and they cheered. I folded my arms and shook my head in amusement, waiting for it to come back and bite them. The put their names in at first nothing happened much to the excitement but the flame flared up and kicked them out of the circle giving them grey hair and beard. The two started fighting. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Hermione.

Everyone became silent as Viktor Krum entered with his head master and friend. He entered his name into the tournament and looked our way, or more specifically at Hermione. I knocked her arm

"Someone's got a crush." I sang.

"Shut up." she scoffed and went back to reading.


Thursday came around fast, everyone gathered in the hall to find out which unlucky three had been selected as champions for the tournament.

"Sit down. please." Dumbledore requested, we all became quiet as we sat down "Now the moment you've all been waiting for. The Champion selection!" he dimmed the flames lighting the room then held his hand out to the Goblet of fire. I turned red spitting out a name.

"The Durmstrang Champion is Viktor Krum." The Durmstrang boys cheered for their Champion. The fire turned read again giving a name. "The Champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delecour" I clapped as both champions rose for their seats and shook Dumblesodres hand before standing with their head teacher.Finally one for Hogwarts.

"Finally. The Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Diggory." All houses cheered while I didn't out of what I perceived to be respect for what was about to happen I stayed silent. "Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will raise this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the triwizard cup." he revealed the trophy but something weird happened. The flame flew up into the sky and went red spitting out another name. Dumbledore caught it.

"Harry Potter?" he called out in shock and my head snapped toward my friend "Harry Potter!" he yelled

"Harry, Go." Hermione encouraged "Harry for goodness sake." she lifted him up and shoved him over before sitting back down.

"There has to be a mistake. Harry would never put his name in." I whisper to her "You know how he hates being the centre of attention." Harry cautiously stepped over and was handed the parchment he then went to the back of the hall and people called him a cheat. and all sorts of other mean things. I covered my mouth in shock.

-3rd Person-

Nearly everyone fell asleep that night shocked by the events that unfolded that evening. Harry tried to sleep but couldn't. He sat up and sighed. just then through a crack in the door in came flying a paper bird and laded on Harry's lap. He opened it.

"Come downstairs." it read. Slipping into his slippers he got out of bed and headed down into the common room, there waiting for him was Vega.

"Harry are you okay?" she immediately asked him and he smiled inside. Everything was not normal right now except this. In the heart of the worst thing going on, Vega is always there with concern and comfort.

"Not exactly." he answered truthfully.

"I don't know what your feeling but I can assume. I want you to know, I believe you didn't put your name in." he relaxed slightly

"At least that's one of you."

"No Hermione believes it too, only she's trying to stay neutral . I even said so to her that you hate the spotlight. since you came here I've seen how you wince at peoples awe at the whole 'boy who lived thing.'" she took his hands

"Everyone else thinks I managed to some how cheat, they don't get that part." he sighed and they sat down.

"Well I do. Promise me, Harry you'll be careful. These contest are dangerous even for a sixth year like Cedric. Study as much as you can and be prepared for anything."

"I'll try." he promised her

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