Chapter 15

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•Chapter Fifteen• 

(Ivy's POV) 

The three girls stare at me as if I'm crazy. Which, maybe I am. Who cares? 

"One... One Direction... they ki-kidnapped you?" Jade stutters. 

"Yeah," I say, looking down at Kylie's purple and green bed sheet. 

"I'm so sorry," Kylie whispers. "About... EVERYTHING that happened."

Roxie looks stunned. "You were kidnapped; found out your parents weren't coming back after their vacation and you were adopted; then almost getting re-adopted?" She shakes her head. "Girl, how are you still sane?" 

"You guys believe me though, right?" I ask nervously. 

"Of course we do!" Jade, Kylie and Roxie exclaim in unison.  

"I can't believe One Direction erased my memory," Jade murmurs, rubbing her head. "I don't remember a thing." 

"Well duh!" Roxie says. "They erased your memory; you're not supposed to remember a thing!" 

We all laugh and I grab a cookie.  

"What will I do now?" I ponder aloud. 

"What are you going to do now?" Kylie stares at me. "You're going to stay with us of course! Well, not Jade, since One Direction knows where she lives. But you'll stay with me and Roxie. Mom loves you; she'll definitely say yes after she hears about this!" 

"I don't want your mom to know One Direction kidnapped me," I say quickly. 

Roxie frowns. "Why not?" 

"I don't know... I feel better that you three know but... I don't think I'm ready to let adults know." 

"Are you sure?" Kylie says. She's the most responsible of the four of us; I can tell she wants to let adults know. 

"I'm sure," I confirm. 

Kylie shrugs. "Ok," she says. "We'll tell her that your parents abandoned you and you need a place to stay. Mom will say yes, I know it." She grabs a cookie and shoves it in her mouth. 

I turn to Jade. "Jay Jay," I say. "I know the boys will check your house to make sure I'm not there. When they do, I want you to act all fangirly ok? Act like I didn't tell you all this." 

She nods. "I can do that," she assures me. 

I sit back, my head touching Kylie's lime green wall.  

"You're tired," Roxie says. "Go to bed." 

"I'm not tired!" I protest, accidentally giving a yawn. 

Roxie raises her eyebrows at me. "Uh huh, suuure." She gets up from the bed and walks to the door, followed by Jade and Kylie. "Go to sleep," she says. She shuts the light off and exits the room, closing the door softly behind her. 

Sighing, I pull Kylie's blankets up to my chin, lay down on her pillow and close my eyes. I guess I really am tired, because sleep swoops over me and I plunge into dream land. 

(Kylie's POV) 

"Poor Ivy," I say as Roxie, Jade and I walk silently down the stairs to the living room. 

"I know," Roxie agrees. "I can't believe her parents would do that." 

"I can't believe One Direction would do that," Jade says shakily. I can't blame her. She just found out her biggest idols are responsible for the disappearance of her best friend.

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