Rescue mission

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You finally arrive at the pumpkin patch where you suspect the bottom of your rookie police case is.

You know Hopper is also working on it, but you decided Joyce would be safer with him by her side while you search out these underground tunnels Will has been drawing.

As you park, you get out of the car to grab a shovel out of your trunk.

You had packed it just for this occasion.

Then, you head towards a large dip in the field.

You begin to dig into the weakest part of the strange depression in the ground.

And soon, your shovel hits air.

There's a hole in the middle of the dip.

You sigh, throwing the shovel to the side.

You dig in your pockets for your flashlight.

You grab it before reluctantly climbing down inside of the weird hole.

And just as you suspected, once your feet hit the ground, you flick on the light to see purple, vieny tunnels around you.

The air is full of strange, thick particles.

You try not to breathe too much as you walk through the system of tunnels.

And if you're right, the source of the virus should be far north, so, with your compass in hand, you head that way.

The whole place gives you the creeps as you trekk through.

It's strangely silent save for the occasional faint growl in the distance.

You continue on.

But after several minutes, you stop at a fork in the road.

It's a clearing between three tunnels, one of which you had just come from.

All of a sudden, you feel something slither around your ankle.

You jolt to attention, looking down to see a purple, squelching tentacle coming out from the wall wrapping itself tight around your leg, quickly making it's way up higher.

As you fumble for your pocket knife, you feel another tendril grip you by your other ankle.

And soon, another grabs your arm just as you retrieve the knife from your jeans.

You gasp as the tentacles bring you down to the ground, pinning you there by your legs and one of your arms.

You struggle against the intense pressure, but it's no use as more vine-like appendages emerge from the walls to wrap around your waist, chest, and eventually your neck.

This is it.

You're going to die here.

You didn't even get to say goodbye to Joyce.

"I'm sorry, Joy..." you breathe as the tentacle begins to slowly strangle you.

"I-I love you." you murmur, your voice cracking with the weight on your neck.

You feel it getting harder and harder to breathe by the second.

Why now?

Why did you have to die now?

You are with Joyce Byers.


You achieved your dream and now it was all falling to pieces.

What luck.

You breathe the rest of the air in your lungs out.

This is really it, huh?

Two Hearts (Joyce Byers x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now