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Me and harry were eating lunch right now and i felt a pain in my abdomen. I get this pain whenever I'm on my period.

I think it's gonna start. I ate my lunch slowly. "Babe are you ok" harry asked. "Uh yeah i am" i said and kissed his cheek.

After eating. I giggled slightly at a joke which harry made. I felt something wet.

I went to the washroom and removed my underwear. I looked and seen there were stained with a few drops of blood on it.

I came out and cleaned and changed. My cramps were horrible now. I caught my stomach and came out to were harry was sitting.

I came and sat on the couch next to him. I kissed his cheek. Now i wanted attention. "Babe what's up" he asked.

I just played with his long hair. "My period just started" i said and rested my head on his shoulder. "Oh poor thing are you having cramps" he asked.

"Yeah they're horrible" i said. He put his hand on my abdomen and began rubbing it.

"Wanna cuddles" i said. He looked at me and kissed my mouth. He pulled away and smiled "sure baby we'll take a nap" he said. I nodded excitedly.

I stood up but he carried me bridal style and walked us to our bedroom. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He looked at me and smirked.

He laid me down and got in bed next to me. I looked in his green eyes and got lost in them.

I pulled him and connected our lips in a passionate kiss. We started to make out. I put his hands on my boobs now.

I made him massage them. He pulled away and looked at me.."what" i asked. "Babe your on your period" he said.

"Hmm....but I'm always horny when I'm on my period" i said. He pulled me down and cuddled me to his chest.

"Sleep tight baby" he said and kissed my head. With that i dozed off to sleep in his arms.


I woke up i didn't want my baby right now. God i always want to f**k her when she is on her period.

I bit my lip and got up. I kissed her head. I began making myself some tea.

After wards i drank it and went back to the bedroom. I seen her still sleeping there peacefully.

I smiled and went to her. I smiled she is so beautiful. She turned in my arms and slightly opened her eyes.

I leaned down and pecked her lips. She smiled and pulled me to her face.

We started to make out. We pulled away and i kissed her head. She smiled and snuggled in my chest.

"I'll your coffee and come" i said. I kissed her head and went back to the kitchen.

While making i felt two arms wrapp around my torso. "I love you haz" she said "more babygirl" i said.

"Here" i gave her coffee. She immediately took it and drank it. I chuckled and kissed her head.

"How are your cramps" i asked "bad" she said and pouted. I kissed her pout.

She grabbed me and took me to the couch. She sat down next to me. "My boobs hurt" she said. "ok what should I do" i asked her.

She immediately started crying. I was worried my face changed. I hugged her immediately.

"Shh baby don't cry I'm here for you, lovie can you tell me what's wrong" i said and rubbed her back.

"Love me please" she said. "Yes love I'll always love you" i said. She pulled away and looked at me.

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