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I woke up in my morning but my cramps were still the same.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I came back and seen a pantie, one short dress and a pad.

Well i didn't keep a pad before going to the bathroom. I knew this was Harry's work.

I blushed thinking of him. I went and wore on the clothes. I was smiling just thinking about him. He always cares for me.

I was doing my hair when the door opened. I turned around to see a smirking harry with a tray in his hands.

I dropped my curler and went immediately to him. I went to hug him when he stopped me. "Wait babe i have this in my hands" he said and Chuckled.

I nodded feeling the butterflies in my stomach. He put the tray on the table. He went and sat on the couch.

I went upto him and jumped in his arms. I hugged him so tightly and kissed his cheek hardly yet softly.

"What's up my baby is all happy this morning" he asked his husky voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Your care so much about me. I love you too much hazzy" i said and kissed his cheek once more.

"I love you too pretty girl" he said and i pulled away. He put his hand under my chin and connected our lips in a passionate kiss.

"Good morning" i said against his lips. He giggled. I kissed his teeth "good morning my baby" he said and removed some hair from my face.

I quickly got up from him and picked up the curler and turned it off.

"Thank God it's not burnt" i chuckled. He looked at me and smiled. "even if it was I'd buy you a new one" he said and winked at me.

I chuckled nervously and looked down at my fingers fiddling with them. I don't know all of a sudden i was feeling guilty.

I didn't want tears to fall down so i took in a deep breath i looked up only to meet with green eyes.

That showed concern and sorrow. "What's up lovie" he asked. "nothing haz" i said and went and sat on the bed.

I began eating the French toast which he made. It was so delicious. Now I'm obsessed with it.

"Hmm this is so yummy haz" i said "thank you baby made it just for you" he said and smiled sweetly.

We had our dinner and i was sitting alone watching some Netflix.

Harry was out shopping some stuff for the house and us and me.

I got a message from him

H- babe what size pussy do you wear?
Y- haz what-
H- babe c'mon so many women are looking at me. I've been staring at the pads for completely ten mins
Y- oh haz you get me the xl+
H- ook babe anything else aren't you craving for anything?
Y- oh yeah came you get me some hmm dark chocolate, some raspberry and vanilla ice-cream, cuddles, kisses, something romantic, etc 🥰🤗
H- done babe it will be at your service as soon as possible;)
Y- thank you haz, love you sooooo much
H- love u more sweet heart 💓


I put my phone down and smiled. He loves me so much.

The door bell ringing. I got up and went and opened i seen a smiling harry. I kissed his lips.

"Let me come in" he said and pulled away. "Oh yeah" i took him inside.

He set the packets down "here your dark chocolate. Icecream. I brought you some baby wipes which i know you love to use" he said and handed me them.

"Haz, but i have some" i said "no babe i checked it's over" he said. "aww haz, your nice side will make me cry now" i said tears already starting to pour from my eyes.

"Oh no, no baby" he said and wrapped his arms around me..

He kissed my head. "well do whatever you want ok baby" he said. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

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