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I was preparing lunch for me and harry.
He left early to the studio today and would be coming back now.

I pouted thinking of him. Making tacos now as i were craving for them.

I hope my harry likes them. I smiled as it was done.

I was taking them out when someone pulled my waist. "Oh my-" i was scared.

Harry laughed and kissed her lips. He hummed and pulled away satisfied.

She smiled. "lunch is ready go wash you hands haz" i said and kissed his cheek.

I don't know all of a sudden i started to blush. What's happening to me.

Harry is making me blush. I love him so much. He's like he came home and exciting me.

I giggled to myself. I kept on giggling and smiling like an idiot.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to meet with those green eyes. I blushed again.

"Why you blushing so much Mrs blushy" he asked which made me giggle at that nickname..

" just excite me and make me so happy and full excited" i said blushing once again.

I seen him smirk. He leaned in and kissed me. I giggled and pulled away.

"What's gotten into you so little baby" he asked as he smirked more.

"Your my sweet escape" i said making him blush.

"Oh that's so sweet of you baby" he said and kissed my cheek.

I smiled. We began eating. "Baby it's so yummy" he said. "oh thanks hazzy" i said.

"Hmm so Babylove, I've got this new film, I've found on Netflix, it's called along for the ride. I heard it a like you know chick flick one, so i thought maybe we both could watch it today, now. And don't worry I'll rub your tummy and kiss it ok my love" he said which gave me tears.

"Oh no, baby i never knew my sweet words would have such an effect on you love" he said as he wiped my tears.

"Oh believe me they do styles" i said. He smiled and kissed me.

We giggled and completed our lunch. "is you tummy full Babylove" he asked as he rubbed my tummy.

"Yesss" i said and smiled at him. He chuckled and kissed my head. "I'll do the dishes, you did alot of work preparing this meal" he said.

I nodded and got up and washed my mouth. I went to our bedroom and went to the washroom.

I p**d and changed my pad. I came out of the washroom and seeing harry setting up the Netflix.

I went behind him and kissed his head. "babygirl to get comfy in bed, I'll be up there in a minute" he said.

I climbed on the bed raising the speed of the fan and opening our thick bedsheet.

I watched him as he came in the bed. I opened the bedsheet.

He came and scooted closer to me. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

He looked at me and connected our lips in a passionate hot kiss.

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him.

I smiled as we began watching the movie.

In the mean time i felt harry trace his hands on my boobs.

Not to mention but i really loved it. I looked at him as he was so focused on the tv.

I slowly took his hands and made them rest under and inside my shirt and on my boob.

I closed my eyes and sighed in relief. I opened my eyes to meet with his.

He was smirking. He then pinched my nipples making me moan.

"Ahh" he smirked more. I looked at him and brought him closer to my face and kissed him.

I pulled away and began watching the movie.

Harry would rather massage my boobs but not remove his hands from them.

I smiled. By the end we were dozed off peacefully in each other's arms..

Sleeping but one more thing. He still cupped my boobs while holding me.

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