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Today was my period was like alot. And there was pain but it was bearable.

I sighed as i was watching the and felling the warm and cold breeze touch my skin. I smiled knowing of how much I've come through.

And harry. I just always smile thinking about him. He is the sweetest person ever. He always takes care of me and nerve ever complains.

He is a real gentleman. I smiled talking to myself about him.

But then how ever i told him i wanted to change my gender become a transgender because whenever i used to get my periods i remember those childhood traumas were my mother and my family would tell me that I'm not special and I'm not the only girl who gets her periods.

They would always remind me that not to feel like a girl. I was never treated like a girl whenever i was in that time of the month.

Nobody would make me feel like i was a girl. I would get so much apf cravings and stuff but i just used to keep it up.

I would cry myself in the bathroom and self harm.

How much i wanted to change my gender although i didn't want to. Just because of all that i wanted to but harry came into my life and helped me get through it.

Now I'm happy. I'm following my dreams and harry always supports and encourages me. What else could i ask for.

But i still remember those things which my mother would say. She thinks that I'm not a girl. I don't get periods and stuff.

I felt tears trickling down my eyes. It's hard to forget your past and forgive those who hurt you so much.

I choked out a sob and felt myself panic. I couldn't breathe. I took a sharp breath. I fell down on my knees all of a sudden i was brought to a hard chest.

"Shh lovie just breathe for me" i heard harry whisper. "Breathe in and out for me baby" he whispered again.

I did as he told and that calmed me down. I hugged him tightly. "Harry""yes baby""thank you""don't thank me baby. I would love to help anytime" he said and kissed my head.

I smiled and kissed his chest. "Baby can you tell why you had this panic attach" he asked as he rubbed my back.

I pulled away and looked at him i just nodded no. He kissed my head once again "it's ok lovie, don't worry just to know I'm always here for you and i love you so much" he said and kissed my lips.

I giggled on his lips. He carried me bridal  style and took me to the couch he laid me down.

"Do you want me to lay on you or you lay on my chest" he asked. "Can I lay on you chest" i asked him.

"Of course Babylove and I love when you lay on my chest and i get to scratch you hair too. My favourite thing" he said.

I giggled and kissed his cheek. I got up and he layed down he pulled me to his chest.

I smiled and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my head and began scratching my head.

It felt so good. I hummed and played with his fingers and rings. I looked up at him and he leaned in and kissed me.

"I love you babygirl""i love you too hazza" i kissed his neck. Now i was on his  chest and i slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in an empty bed. I looked around for harry but he was not there.

I got up and went to the hallroom but he was not there. Then i heard footsteps. I seen harry coming with two plates of food in his hand.

I smiled "oh baby your here, you woke up" he said. I smiled and nodded. "Ok did you change your pad baby" he asked.

"Oh no I'll do it after eating anyways" i said and went upto the dining table.

"Ok since you got your period i made you a healthy meal" he said and kissed my head.

I smiled and began eating my meal. After we were done. He washed out the vessels.

I went to the bedroom and changed.

***************************************In the night:I came and seen harry sitting on the bed

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In the night:
I came and seen harry sitting on the bed. He smiled and opened his arms for me.

I gladly ran into them. He giggled and kissed my lips.

"Hazzy i want to tell you something" i said and played with his hair.

"Of course baby anything" he said and pecked my lips. I giggled.

"Ok so i had a panic attack because i was thinking of my past. Like it all i mean all the flashbacks came to my mind and i remembered how my mother behaved with me. And you know my God mother. God she is not to be called a god mother. I remembered all that haz, I'm sorry but i couldn't control it" i said and cried on his shoulder.

I felt him place comforting kisses on my head.."babe's not ok to be ok angel. Now past i know it's hard to forget but now you have me and your my princess. I'm here to look after you ok baby, i love you so much" he said.

I looked at him and he placed his lips on mine. I flipped us and pulled him on top of me.

We kept kissing untill he slipped his tongue in my mouth.

"Haz....." I moaned. He pulled away and looked at me. "Can we" i asked him.

"Only if your comfortable" he said and smiled. "Of course i am with you and you know I'm very horny when I'm on my period" i said shyly.

"I know and i love to deal with it" he said.

I nodded and we continued it.

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