to all the boys who have girlfriends

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So this is to all the boys who have girlfriends or to all the men who have got they women.

I just wanna say that when a girl is in they vulnerable state tell her she's beautiful.

When she is in worst tell her you love her.
And when she's moody or anything just deal with her because it's not the real her.
Because being a girl child is very difficult.

And i wrote this because i wish I really had a boyfriend who would take care of me. Well that's not the excuse i put harrystyles in his story. Of course i love him. I'm his huge die heart fan.

Ok so here tips for you if you have a gf ;)

1. Love her but don't use her
2. Give her your jacket when she is cold
3. Kiss her, cuddle her. Make love to her
4. Don't ask for her virginity, if she truly trust you then she will only give it to you.
5. Even if she is not a virgin don't ask for it. She might feel uncomfortable.
6. Always take up for her
7. Never abuse her.
8. Give her tummy massages when she is on her period.
9. Always make her feel loved.
10. I don't know much you have to see what she loves the most.

I just wanna say that. I'm a girl and I'm sure to understand what every other girl does.

It's. Common or natural i don't know.
Well i wrote this thing because i wish i had a boyfriend who takes care of me when I'm on my period like how i wish.

We can just imagine that's for me.

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