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"babe I'm horny" harry said which made me widened my eyes. I don't know how I can. I'm on my period. I'm bleeding.

"Uh hazz you know i can't" i said not looking in those green eyes. "Yeah i know but we can try anal you kno" he said with hope in his eyes.

"Haz, i can't try anal. I told you know why" i said. "Hmm" he said and turned away from me.

I didn't want to disappoint him. Whenever I'm horny he leaves his work and does whatever i want him to.

But now i feel bad, and also it might help me with my cramps. So i think I'll do it.

I went to him and looked at him. He looked at me. "sorry baby i just didn't want to force you" he said and patted a seat next to me.

I straddled his torso and kissed him immediately. He kissed me back without hesitation. I smiled and licked his bottom lip.

He gave access. I took his hand and put it under my dress and on my boob. He but my lower lip making me moan as he cupped my breasts.

Our make out session became more heated and intense. He flipped us over so that i was laying down and him on top of me.

He pulled away and kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and my hands and fingers got disappeared in his long curls.

I moaned as he sucked on my weak spot. I pushed him down to my chest. He pulled my dress down and sucked on my nipples. I began moaning uncontrollably.

He pulled away and looked at me. "babe you want to", he asked. "Yes hazz, i want to, touch me please" i said. "Baby are you sure your on your period love and i don't wanna force you in anything your uncomfortable baby" he said.

"Does blood matter for you" i asked him. "No babe it doens't when it's you" he said. "Then touch me everywhere" i said and took his hand from my lips and put it in my knickers but not on my heat.

He looked at me and kissed me immediately. I felt him wrapp his arms around my waist and pull me closer to feel his hardened crotch that made me moan.

He carried me and took me to the bedroom. I kissed his neck and he smirked. God i missed that smirk which he always gives me whenever we get intimate.

We laid me down and got on top of me. "Ok wait. I'll change and clean myself" i said and slightly pushed him on the bed.

"Babe wait" he said and pulled my hand "what haz""i can change you baby it doesn't matter for me" he said.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Ok but don't remove my underwear" i said and pecked his lips. He nodded.

He began kissing my neck as he removed my dress and massaged my boobs. "God harry this feels so good" i said and caught his head.

He pulled away i giggled. "Ok now lemme change" i said and went into the washroom.

I removed my pad and cleaned myself and my lower region. I came out and seen harry sitting on the bed naked.

He looked at me and smirked. I grabbed the Condom and gave it to him. "Oh come on your on your period" he said.

"So, that doesn't change anything" i said sarcastically. "Fine whatever" he said and winked at me.

I went and straddled his waist and kissed him hungrily. He moaned into my mouth. He flipped us over so that he was above me.

He pinched my nipples and i moaned into his mouth. He pulled away and looked at me.

"I love you" he said and pecked my lips. "I love you too" i said and pecked his lips and giggled.

He took the Condom and wrapped it around his hard length. I got up and he frowned.

"Can we do it from the back, and then we can do missionary" i said. "hmm babygirl wants me to f**k her from behind and front" he said and smirked.

"Yeah and keep hands away from my p***y" i said and smirked. "we'll see" he said.

I got on my fours and blushed. He came from behind and kissed my cheek. He lined himself up me and pushed inside me.

We both moaned so loud. He began thrusting into me. "I missed this haz" i moaned "babe i missed this too" he said and pulled me to him.

My back pressed against his chest. I had a ponytail because i know that he loves it so much.

His hands wrapped around my waist cupping my breasts and pinching and tweaking them tenderly.

I clenched around him. "Touch me please" i whimpered wanting him to touch me where i need it.

He slipped one of his hands to my p***y and started making circles round my clit.

I moaned so loud. "F**k babe your so hot" he said. I squirted and felt him hit my g-spot.

"I'm gonna come" i same s breathlessly. "Me too" he thrusted more and we both reached our high.

I turned around in his arms. "Guess who made me touch" he said "ok ok you win" "yayy"

I laid down and pulled him on top of me. He entered me and thrusted into me. We both came.

He looked at me "your always pretty and clean no matter what* he said which formed tears in my eyes. "I love you haz, love you so much""more pretty girl"

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