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Harry's pov
"Baby i want brownies" i heard her say. I giggled and got up from my work room and went to the couch.

I seen her sitting there alone. I smiled and sat beside her. "hey babe" i said..she looked at me and kissed my lips. "Hi" she said. "What's up baby want some brownies" i teased her. "craving for it" she said..

"Ok so you want me to make it or buy them" i asked her as i kissed her head.

"Buy it, i don't want you to spend for me or waste your time and energy for me" she said with tears in her eyes.

I wiped the tears which fell from her eyes. I kissed her lips. "I love you so much babe don't think all that. I love you too much. Please stop saying those things. I love you. I love you so much and I'll do whatever i want for you, with you and only for you, just because i love you so much" i said.

We pulled away and i pecked my lips. She smiled and i caressed her cheeks. "How are your cramps" i asked her. As i put my hand on her abdomen and rubbed it.

"It's better not much cramps, but please rub it. I love when you do that" she said. I smiled and pressed my lips on her cheek.

I began rubbing her abdomen. I slowly took out my phone and ordered brownies for her. Once i was done. I smiled and held her close to my chest.

We were watching her favourite TV show. Vampire diaries. She looked at me and kissed my lips.

After 15mins the door bell rang. I got up. "I'll be back sweetheart" i said and kissed her lips. She nodded.

I got her brownies and came back.."what's that haz" she asked. "Brownies baby" i said and gave her the box.

She took it with a frown on her face. "What" i asked her with a little giggle. "Where did you get this from" she asked me. "I ordered them baby" i said and kissed her head.

"Oh when did you do it" she asked again. "I did it online now eat it and give me some" i said and pouted. She giggled and kissed my pout.

I giggled. She gave me and i took one and ate it. She looked at me and kissed my cheek.

"Love you" i said. "love you too" she said. We ate the whole pack of brownies. I looked at her and she looked at me.

All of a sudden we started to laugh like idiots. God i love her so much.

I cupped her face and kissed her lips immediately. I slipped my tongue in her mouth. We both could taste the brownies.

"Hmm" we hummed. We pulled away and giggled. She got up and washed her mouth.

"Can I come your hair" i asked her. "Yes, yes i love when you comb my hair" she came running with the comb and a rubber band in her hand.

She gave it me and sat down infront of me.
I began taking out her knots. I was so slow and gentle with her because she is my baby and i don't want my baby getting hurt.

Once i was done taking out her knots i kissed her head. I knew she would smile.
I the started to braid her hair.

I did her a French braid. She got up and brought the mirror. "Wow haz, this is so beautiful thank u so much" she said and kissed my cheek.

"Your most welcome baby" i said. She came and sat on the couch. I pulled her on my lap and cuddled her.

"Your the best" she whispered. "You too" i said and connected our lips in a passionate kiss.

And with that our whole was spent cuddling watching movies. Etc.

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