Part 91 (The First Day)

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The following morning, Alexandria was preparing for war. Jadis and her group from the landfill arrived and started spreading themselves out around the town. There were snipers stationed on every street, and everyone had their own roles to play.

Everyone was very aware that the odds were, it would come down to a big gun fight. But the main goal was to protect Alexandria and its people, whilst taking out as many Saviors as possible. Killing Negan was also an end goal, but if it didn't happen that day, it was okay. They knew that this day was only the first day of what could lead to weeks of fighting for their lives. But they were all ready.

Daryl, Rosita and Aaron were setting up explosive devises in a truck outside of the walls. CJ was up of the watch post near the gate with Carl, and once Daryl and the others were back inside, she was to climb down and be on the frontline, ready for when the Saviors arrived.

"So, you've been practicing with this while I was away?" CJ asked Carl, referring to the bow she was holding.

"A little," he replied. "Took a few goes, but I managed to get a few bullseyes."

"No kidding," she smiled. "You wanna show me?"

"Right now?" Carl raised an eyebrow keenly.

"Sure, why not?" CJ shrugged. "We got time. Here, have a go."

"Okay," Carl chuckled. He put his rifle strap over his shoulder and let the gun hang by his hip before taking the bow and an arrow from CJ. "What's my target?"

"Hmm," CJ looked around before her eyes fell on where Daryl was moving some crates by the truck over the wall. "That box."

"The one by his leg?" Carl questioned.

"Yeah," CJ replied. "It'll make him jump. Go on."

"Alright," he laughed.

Carl raised the bow and pulled back the arrow. He took a deep breath in and fired the arrow as he breathed out. The arrow embedded itself into the cardboard box Daryl was stood next to, and they watched him flinch and turn around.

"Nice," CJ beamed proudly.

"Thanks," Carl smiled, looking down at Daryl. "Oh no. I think he saw us."

CJ looked down at Daryl to see him holding the arrow and scowling at her and Carl. "Do you mind?" he called up to them.

"Sorry, Daryl," Carl replied. "She told me to do it."

"Wha- you little... ugh," CJ frowned. "Hey, could you bring that there arrow back in when you're done, please?"

"I hate you," he rolled his eyes as he picked up the rest of the boxes and headed back to the gate with the arrow in his hand.

"Thank you!" CJ called out to him before turning to Carl. "Come on, we should head back down. Can you go find Tobin? He's taking over."

Carl was quick to agree and head off to find Tobin. CJ waited until they got back and gave Tobin the sniper rifle before she climbed down. She went around to the front gate where people were gathered, ready and waiting for the Saviors to show up. Rick walked past her and handed her a rifle and a spare magazine.

Daryl spotted CJ heading over, and he gave her the arrow. "Thank you," she smiled, taking the arrow and tucking it into the quiver on her back. She started walking to the armoury to put away her bow, as a rifle would be much easier to shoot with during the fight.

"You good?" Daryl asked, walking beside her.

"Yeah," CJ replied. "I think it's gonna go okay. You worried?"

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