Chapter 1

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"Neteyam watched his two siblings eveasdropping on their parents, He shrugs and of course joined poking his ear by the door he was as nosey as his siblings wanting  to know what their parents were saying too,"

"Think about the children, Think about our home, how do you expect us to just pack up and leave."? -Neytiri
"It is for our own good, right now it is the only choice we have left,"-jake sully

"Neteyam shifts his attension to lo-ak pushing his brother in anger and frustration,This is all your fault,"

"My fault,! Your acting as if I meant for this to happen.

"If you hadn't been hardheaded then we wouldn't be moving,Its your fault for putting our siblings in danger.

"Neteyam - lo'ak stop fighting , whats done is done its all in the past now,-There younger sister kiri said standing between the two.

"Whatever lo'ak said storming out.

"Kiri looks at her older brother in disappointment, why'd you do that idiot she says slaping him on the back of his head.,

"You just made the situation worst"!

"Well its not my fault he's so hardheaded"- Neteyam blurted out earning another slap from his sister kiri.

"Neteyam sat on the ground his back leaning up against a tree wondering what it was gonna be like living somewhere new, he's never been away from home before and just that is enough to make him worry.


He turns to see his father standing above him.

"Me and your mother decided it'd be best to move somewhere away from our home.
We are going to take refuge amongst the metkayina people

Neteyam saddened at this, he knew he was moving away already"But being told by his father was kinda hitting his heart' The home he grew up in, The home he lived in. It was all too much to take in.

"Alright father I shall get my things ready.
His father nods giving him a reasuring smile.


 NETEYAM X AONUNG - Jungle BoyWhere stories live. Discover now