Chapter 6

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Mostly Neteyam's pov:
Time skip to about 4 months later

Netyam had barely woken up before he heard someone yelling his name frantically from outside,

He got up to go check who it was only to find Tsireya,?

"Tsireya what are you doing here so early,Is it time to train already"?

"Neteyam,! Its Aonung you have to come quick"!

"Aonung!, whats going on with him"?

"Theres no time to explain just hurry we have to go now,and bring lo,ak"

Neteyam watched as she ran away,
confused he did as he was told and grabbed his brother -waking him out of his slumber


"Neteyam why are we in such a rush"

"I don't know just hurry, But it's about Aonung

Both boys ran as fast as they could to where Tsireya was, both still confused at what was going on,?

"lo'ak,Neteyam you guys made it"!

"Now please tell us whats going on," Neteyam asked

She breathed in and out trying to calm herself,

"It's Aonung he's hurt"

"How is he hurt" neteyam questioned

"Aonung and father had gotten into a disagrement, father had told him not to go beyond the reef because it was too dangerous, but Aonung didn't listen and went out there anyway"

"And because of this he had gotten attacked by one of the creatures, and now he's injured badly."

lo'ak went to comfort her seeing as she was on the verge of tears,



"Aonung has been calling for you,"

"Me?, he said a little surprised"

"I don't know why my brother has been calling for you but he won't stop crying and he wont let anyone else touch him,....Please i need youre help, he needs your help and if we don't go now i don't know how my brother will turn out."

Neteyam was shocked but followed orders and went with Tsireya to where Aonung was,

Neteyam was confused he was baffled he was flabergasted, Aonung, he thought Aonung hated him but here he was calling for him.

They had reached Tsireya's home and were about to go in when they were stopped by Ronal Tsireya's mother,

"Why have you come here,"

"We just came to see Aonung" Neteyam replied

"He is not allowed any visitors at this time"

"Mother Tsireya interupted, He is Neteyam, you must let him in or Aonung will keep refusing treatment"!

Ronal looked at the boy, but stepped aside letting him in

Neteyam rushed in but what he saw was truely horrifying, something he wished he'd never see again

There layed Aonung , he was facing up with his back on a mat" But that's not important here,he had two large cuts on his upper arm, some gashed on his leg and a bite mark on his side, it wasn't a whole chunk missing but there were deep marks

Neteyam rushed to his side, "Aonung it's me Neteyam"

"Forest boy? Aonung barely choked out

"Don't talk it'll only make it worst"

"Aonung i don't know why of all people you called for me, we don't even get along as much but im worried for you, you have to let them help you or you will bleed to death"

"Just promise you'll stay here" Aonung said coughing

"I won't leave you, ill be right here"


Arthur: hehehehehehehe confusion and cliffhanger b'tchesssss👌

 NETEYAM X AONUNG - Jungle BoyWhere stories live. Discover now