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Injuries and video calls

It was the next morning and Minseo woke to her alarm going off, she reached over to stop it but she almost fell out of her bed and that startled her awake. She waddled over to her bathroom and took nice warm shower. she sang and danced to the songs on her playlist like every K-pop stan does or has done at least once in their life. She was dancing the chorus of Next level when she had suddenly slipped in the shower, she managed to catch herself before she hit her head but she still rolled her ankle. Sitting on the floor of the shower in pain Eunseo began banging on the door.

"Minseo-yah hurry up!" she yelled.

"Unnie!!" she cried. "I rolled my ankle in the shower!!!"

"What!? are you ok?" She asked from the door. "Hold on can you get up?" she asked. Next level had then changed into Ring Ding Dong by SHINee and it gave both the girls a jump scare. Minseo tried getting up and she got her towel and put it over her body before opening the door for Eunseo.

"You can walk right?" she asked from the doorway. Minseo nodded as she hovered on one foot.

"It still hurts to put down." she said. Eunseo went in the bathroom and grabbed some bandages. She skipped to the next song as she didn't really like ring ding dong that much. Minseo sat down on the bath tub and Eunseo wrapped her foot in the bandage.

"Get changed and get out. I still need to have my shower too." Eunseo said. Minseo nodded then shut the door as she wrapped her towel around her and walked to her room. she chose her outfit and began to put it on while she wrapped her hair up for it to dry. She chose a cute pink and white checkered dress with a white turtle neck underneath. she put on some frilly socks and some jewellery. She put her playlist back on as she began doing her makeup and hair. she sang a long to every song and laughed when the songs like 'When we disco', 'Hey TAYO' came on and would absolutely vibe when other songs came on. She grabbed her trench coat and left her room with Movie star by CIX stuck in her head. Her foot still hurt and found it hard to walk but she managed to make it down the stairs so the rest of the day would be easy right? Wrong.

"Ah! Sooah slow down!" Minseo yelled as Sooah had started to push her up the street to their college.

"You're like an old lady with your ankle now. How are you going to run around after Treasure with and ankle like this?" Sooah said stopping at the bus stop. Minseo looked at her foot. "Doesn't it hurt with your Mary Jane buckles and platforms? why didn't you wear runners?" Sooah asked.

"It's called good fashion Soo." she replied rubbing her foot where she could. "It really hurts, I didn't think I fell that bad before." she pouted.

"You fell while dancing to Next level in the shower Min." she then pat her head and put on her best baby voice. "Our poor Minnie, at least you didn't hit your head right?" Sooah also pouted. Minseo answered in her best baby voice too and let Sooah continue patting her head. The bus arrived and Sooah helped Minseo up from her seat and they walked onto the bus greeting the bus drived.

"Ah! Sooah slow down" Minseo yelled again.

"Hurry up or we'll miss our seat!" she said excitedly, they never miss their seat. sitting at the back of the bus all the time. It was always reserved for them and no one else sat there unless the girls weren't on the bus. 

"Morning Sooah!" some people said.

"Morning Minseo, are you ok?" some others said. they both replied with 'Morning' and 'She's fine'. The bus ride was nice and relaxing as the girls watched some old Treasure map episodes.

Idols romance -- Kanemoto YoshinoriWhere stories live. Discover now