Chapter 19: Day 5-Tribulations

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The ride back to the castle was a long one and not just physically. Of course the travel time was lengthy but it seemed like forever in their hearts as well. It wasn't an easy task to bring dead comrades back home. Death was always the most cruel and painful to those who still live.  Neither men spoke as the wagon moved through the forest. The wheels creaked under the weight it carried and the wind was stalled. Like it knew this was a time of silence. Not even the birds chirped as they made their way home. Sadly the silence can't last. It was late at night and as soon as the wagon made it's way through the gates and stopped Arthur and Merlin both were grabbed. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" Arthur shouted. 

"Sorry sire, we have been ordered by the king to arrest you when you made it back." One said with regret. They liked Merlin and Arthur but a command from the king wasn't to be disobeyed. 

"Please do not fight it sire. This will go more smoothly if you just follow along." The knight that had Merlin said. He tied the servants hands with rope as gently as he could. "sorry about this."

Merlin shook his head. "Its ok. I understand." he knew the moment they set out that something like this would happen when they returned. He wasn't surprised at all by the order. 

Arthur frowned as he watched Merlin be tied up. Like he was some kind of criminal. "Do as you must but please." He looked at the wagon. "Take care of them."

"I'll handle it." Leon said and pat Arthurs back. He had also been waiting and saw them come back from the window. He rushed out to meet them and perhaps warn them about the order but was to late. "Sorry about this. I did what I could."

Arthur looked at him and nodded his head. "I'm sure you did. Thank you."

Leon gave him one of those, I don't think I did but I'm also not going to argue with you, smiles. Then the knights escorted both men to the throne room. One had his hands tied behind him and had no emotions on his face. Like he had given into his fate and had an aura of calm. Even if the inside was a storm in a teacup*, the outside didn't betray those feelings. The other had his hands free and was glaring. His emotions were clear to see. Inside was just as enraged as the outside. Inside the throne room was empty except two people, the king and the old physician.

Merlin bowed his head and kneeled. Knowing this is what he should do. He didn't want to make the king any more upset. Arthur however didn't care, he walked right up to the throne and started yelling. "You're having me arrested?!"

Uther looked at his son not impressed at all by his attitude. "No, I'm having you and your serving boy arrested." 

Gaius said nothing and looked at his ward. His son all but in name. He looked at him sadly and with some regret. He had been there trying to beg for forgiveness and for the king to pardon him. He had no luck, the king was not persuaded to change his mind.

Arthur looked back at the kneeling servant. "Why? Because we went for the bodies? That is no reason to arrest someone!"

"For disobeying your king!" Uther shouted and stood. "time and time again you've gone behind my back. Disobeyed me! Made a fool of me! If arresting you will teach you to mind my authority then so be it."

Arthur glared at him. "Then arrest me but Merlin was only following orders! He was doing as I told him to and shouldn't be involved in this."

Uther looked at the old man in the room and then at Merlin. "I find it strange that every time you are in trouble and do the exact thing I tell you not to do he's always, 'following orders.' This serving boy is always there when you sneak out. I'm sure he's helped you do it many of times. At this point I'm almost convinced he's the one telling you to do these things. Maybe he's even spelled you to defy me." 

All the men in the room held their breath when Uther said that. 

"If he wasn't a complete idiot I would believe magic was at fault. As it is I know you do these things to spite me." They all released their breath. 

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