5 - Go for it.

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It was about 9:30pm and I took a good look around as we walked into his apartment. It was very clean and smelt good. You could still tell a man lived there by the decor. In a good way though. It was open but also comfortable. There was a soft navy blue couch and a dark wooden coffee table in the living room. Granite kitchen counters and island. Warm toned lighting all around. It was a nice place. It definitely reflected him.

Joe dragged my suitcase to a spare room and I followed. The room was like the rest of the house but a little brighter and it had a few guitars hanging along a wall. "You're never aloud to see my apartment." I said and he laughed. "Seriously this isn't what I was expecting. It's so nice." I said. "Thanks, I think." He said with a laugh. "I'll be in my room." He said before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

I change into a pair of comfy shorts and a tight tank top. I flop onto the bed and get out my phone. After a long day I just wanted to go to sleep but I didn't. Instead I called Sam. "What's up, Liv?" She asked. "I made it to Atlanta." I answered. "How's that going? With Joe and all." "He's been so great. It's like we've known each other forever. It's scary but good scary." "What's scary?" I sighed at her question. "I think I have feelings for him. That scares me." I whispered so Joe didn't hear me. "Why would that scare you?" "Because I don't want this to ruin our friendship." "So what are you gonna do?" "I don't know. I guess just ignore it. I just got out of a relationship too." "No, you have to tell him." "What? No, did you not just hear me?" "Yes, I heard you. If you don't say something, it's gonna ruin your friendship. He's single, you're single. You're closer than ever. This is perfect timing. Go for it." She said and I started to think. She was right, I had to tell him. So I got off the phone with her after half an hour of talking and got up to confront him.

I walked up to his door and went to knock but stopped when I heard him talking to someone. I only ease dropped because I was curious who he was talking to. All I heard was mumbling until I very clearly heard, "I wish I could kiss you right now." Maybe it was a joke. Why did I care? We weren't dating. He didn't know how I felt for him. He was allowed to see other people.

I had been trapped so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize Joe had opened the door. "Oh, hey, what's up?" He asked. "Oh, uh, nothing. Just missed you." I said. "Well, I'm right here." He said with a soft laugh. "Mhm." I said looking down at the floor. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, placing his hand on my arm. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and said, "I just... I don't know. I guess, I'm just scared to lose you. Which is so stupid, I know.
I just-" "It's not stupid and you're not gonna lose me. What makes you think that?" He cut me off. "Seriously? You're rich and famous. And I don't think you're unattractive. Why would you want to be friends with me? What's so special about me? What's stopping you from one day deciding you're sick of me and never talking to me again?" "You don't care about the fame and money, you care about me. You've been just a phone call away for the past 8 months when no one else has. What isn't special about you?" I sighed, wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest.

He immediately secured his arms around me and placed a kiss on the top of my head. Would he do that to her? Who was she? Stop being jealous, Olivia. He's not your boyfriend. I thought to myself. I was too late now. He was with someone else. So I went back to plan A and pushed the feelings down.

I rested my head on his shoulder while we laid in his bed watching tv. All that was heard was whatever movie was on until Joe said, "How are you dealing with Carson?" "I'm doing better. Trying to at least." I said before pausing for a minute. "So how's your love life? Haven't heard much lately." I said. "Actually, I've been talking to this one girl. Things aren't official but we've gone out a few times." He said. "Ooh, Joe's falling in love." I teased. "I don't know about that just yet. But, maybe one day." He said through a soft laugh. "Who is she and when can I meet her?" I asked trying to sound happy. "Her name is Ashley and I'll ask her. I'm sure she'd love to meet you." "Just let me know." I said.

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I get out of bed at about 9:30 am and take a quick shower before heading out to the kitchen. I see Joe making what looks to be waffles. I step closer and he spins around to face me. "Good morning, Olivia." He said with a smile. "Good morning, Joseph." I replied as I sat down at the kitchen island. "How'd you sleep?" He asked. "Pretty well. That mattress is so much better than mine. I should really get a new one." I said. "Good, I'm glad. Hey, so, uh, Ashley said she's available tomorrow, as long as you still want to meet her." He offered. "Yeah, of course. Sounds great. Can't wait." I said quickly. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" "I don't know. You seem nervous or something. You don't have to meet her." "No, I want to. I'm fine, really. Maybe I am a little nervous because I don't know if she'll like me. I don't know if she's the jealous type but girlfriends don't usually like their boyfriends girl best friend." "I don't know how she'll act honestly. But I know she'll love you. Whether she wants to admit it or not. How could she not?" He said and I nod in response.

All night all I could think about was Ashley. As much as I tried not to, I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Who was she? Did he love her? Was she better than me? All these thoughts circled around my mind until I finally fell asleep. I shouldn't have been so jealous. This was ridiculous of me. I wasn't his. She was.

I finished up my breakfast and cleaned up the dishes before heading to my room to get ready for the day. As I was doing my makeup in the bathroom mirror I saw Joe appear in the doorway with a grin. "What's up stalker?" I asked with a laugh. "Just observing. You don't need that, y'know?" He asked. "Need what?" "Makeup. You look beautiful with or without it." He said and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Thanks." I said, trying to stop smiling but failing. "Are you blushing?" He asked through a chuckle. "What? No." "Oh, you totally are." "I'm sorry, I'm not used to you being so nice, asshole." I said with a laugh. He playfully rolled his eyes and left the room.

We ended up going to the mall and walking around a few well known locations around the city. Joe seemed to be giggling at his phone a lot. Which made my heart ache a little. Was he giggling because of her? Was she funnier than me? I couldn't stop the insecure and jealous thoughts. I wasn't sure if Joe had even noticed that I was down. I did try to hide it as best as I could but I was no actress or anything. I had a great time with him otherwise. Every eye roll at my bad jokes or insults, every laugh, every smirk made me forget all about the sadness.

"Are you okay? You keep zoning out today." Joe said while we drove back to his place. "Yeah, totally. I'm just a little sad today with Carson and all." I replied. "How about when we get home, we get a shit ton of food and watch a movie or three. And I could share my bed with you tonight so I can make sure you're okay." He suggested. I nodded with a smiled in response.

So we got home and got a shit ton of food as Joe had said, curled up in his bed and watched a movie. I rested my head on his chest and laid my arm over his waist. While he had his arms secured around me, rubbing my back with one hand. I kept glancing up at him which he noticed after a little while.

"What's wrong?" He said, looking down at me. "Nothing." I said, looking up at him and bringing my hand up to play with his hair. He didn't mind his hair being messed with, contrary to popular belief. "You can tell me anything." He said. I dropped my hand from his hair and turned to the side. "I'm just tired." I said. "Liv, I know when you're lying." He said. "I'm just tired." I said, slightly annoyed. "Ok, sorry." He gave up. We sat in silence for a minute before I spoke up. "I'm sorry." "I just want to make sure you're okay, Liv." He said. "I'm really sad, Joe." I said, shakily. He turned me around and pulled me into his chest. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. "Not really." "That's okay. Let me know if there's anything I can do." "I'm sorry." I whispered through my sobs. "Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong." He said. I cried into his chest until I finally fell asleep.

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