I might go

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Walking back to your seat you feel Dallas staring at you while you put some popcorn into your mouth. You started thinking about what to do next, should you fucking kiss him or something? Sit on his lap? Get close to kissing him? Anything to give him blueballs. After thinking for a while, you feel a hand wrap your waist, then pulled you closer. You didn't know if you should look at him or not, all you can do was turn your head at look at his jacket.

"So you're getting handsy with me Winston?" You say looking back at the movie, then looking over at Ruthie, who looked very uncomfortable.

Trying not to die out laughing from her facial expressions the more handsy you both get with each other and more amounts of flirting.

You feel his hand slide down to your ass, you wanted to so baddly push him off you, but you instead tease him. Resting your head on his chest, you feel the heat from his body. You grab his thigh and start to sensually rub it, that was until you accidentally go a little too high. Your pinky hitting his junk, you then immediently put your hand back onto your lap as you embarassingly turn your head.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I took it too far from that." You say scotting away from him.

"It's ok L/n, I thought you were gonna punch me in the balls for gettin handsy with your lower waist." He said.

Scoffing, you look back at him smiling at you like an idiot. 

After a while, Dallas gives you a piece of paper before you leave.

"There, call me whenever you're free." He says, lighting a smoke and being dragged away with his buddy's. 

"Girl don't call that piece of rats ass, here I'll throw it away for you." She says, grabbing the paper from you and throwing it into the garbage. 

"Yeah, good call Nancy." You say. 

"God I'm so happy that wasn't real or else I would've barfed in my seat while I heard everything." Ruth said, earning a chuckle from you and Nancy. 

While on your walk back him you saw some greasers roaming around their house that you live a fucking block from.

"Oh look look look it's that dike broad that dally hit up at that drive in." Said one of them while laughing.

"Yeah, she's that girl that tried to join us with that other desperate dike." Another one said. 

You didn't care what a greaser said about you, but some how you kinda got mad about this sense it wasn't that big of a fuckin deal, and they're saying all this shit right in front of you. 

"Yeah I see ya dolly, have fun flirting with ol' Dally?" One said making the other laugh. 

"Oh can it fuck face, it was one fuckin' time and it wasn't that big of a deal to gossip about like you're some teenage girls slut shaming someone."  You say, throwing your done cig at them. 

After that you stopped listening to them until you felt a big hand grab your shoulder.  Turning over you see Darry. 

"Hey, sorry about them they're just being assholes, also I didn't tell you this 3 years ago when you first tried to join us, but the real reason that we didn't let you join us was that we didn't want you getting hurt. It had nothin to do with your gender or anything, and I apologize deeply for my friends and brothers acts towards you." That apology was the best apology you've ever revealed from a nasty little greaser like him, but you accepted it.

"Also, if you still are up to being a greaser we'll hardly have you." He says. 

"Hmm, actually I'd love too." You say smiling at him.

Dear ol' pal of mine| Dallas Winston x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now