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Hello, beautiful people!!! Welcome to this fanfiction!
First, I wanna thank y'all for reading this. Every Demon Slayer:Kimetsu no Yaiba fan who's reading this means the world to me. I promise to try and make it as interesting and funny as possible. Also, this is my first fic so be nice in the comments!

Akua's POV
I was sitting on a purple beanbag chair getting bored. All my friends were offline. On times like this I tend to get insane ideas.
That's when a tubelight lit up above my head. 'I'M GONNA KIDNAP THE CHARACTERS FROM KIMETSU NO YAIBA AND MAKE THEM REACT TO STUFF!' I am such a genius.

I decided to appear just as I was, a slim 12 year old girl with the height of 5"7 but my name would be Akua.

I snapped my fingers and I was now in a movie hall.

Taking a deep breath, I snapped my fingers.

~meanwhile, somewhere in the Infinity train~ 

Nobody's POV

A bright light appeared and out tumbled all the hashiras, the butterfly girls and the rest of the siblings and relations of the hashiras, Urokodaki-san, Kuwajima-san, Shinjuro-san, Lady Tamayo, and Yushiro. Then, the Ubayashiki family gracefully stepped out of the void.

"Shit..." muttered Sanemi who had fallen on his butt.

"AAAAAAAAKKK!!!" Screamed Zenitsu, who woke up from his slumber. "IT'S SOO CRAAAMPED! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE!!???" Now Tanjiro, Inosuke and Rengoku were wide awake, too. Then Inosuke yelled at Zenitsu, "SHUT UP MONITSU!"

The other passengers stared wide- eyed. Then they disappeared to a different carriage, thinking it was all a hallucination, and dozed off again.

Then, the carriage which carried these characters separated from the train, and rolled along the tracks backwards, Zenitsu was screaming the whole time, and into a bright portal and then the slayers and all found themselves in theater seats front of a large screen.

"The **** we're here!?"

"Ara ara there are children here!"


Then they saw a tall, purple haired 12 year old girl. "Welcome!" Then the girl turned to Inosuke. "After all this, I want your autograph." That made a lot of people give her a look that said, 'you really want it from him?' And Inosuke looked confused cuz he didn't know what an autograph was.

Then Sanemi spoke up. "Its's a goddamn demon! Gitcher!" Uzui's sword stabbed through my chest and held me midair while a lot of other weapons were pointed to my neck.

"Stupid demon!" Roared Inosuke. "I bet this otto- giraffe is its blood demon art!" Zenitsu was still screaming. Kanao flipped a coin. Heads. She sat down quietly. Genya looked ready to tear off my hand and devour it, when I screamed, "I'm no demon!!! This is no way to treat your host!"

"Calm down."

Those two words from Oyakata- sama made silence in the room.
"She is not a demon. Please put her down and let her explain."

"Gomenasai, Oyakata- sama!" Chorused the attackers (except for Inosuke).

Uzui pulled his bloodied blade out of my chest and with a snap of my fingers my wound was gone.

After giving all the slayer who attacked me, especially Uzui and Sanemi, a death glare, I began.

"My name is Akua.."

~Time skip~

"...And that's why you're all here"

"I was called put of my mission FOR SOME MEMES!?"  Yelled Obanai.

"Yes! And truth or dare!" Said Akua.

"Sounds fun!" squealed Mitsuri. Which made Obanai say, "Well of course it sounds like fun!"

Then Akua turned to the fourth wall. "We're playing Truth or Dare in one of the next chappys so if you have any truths or dares for the slayers feel free to leave it in the comments!"

...While the rest feared for the host's mental health as she babbled off to nothingness.

"First, we have to cure everyone!" Yelled Akua. A second later, Nezuko was back to human, Oyakata- sama's illness was cured and Gyomei wasn't blind.

"Now in the meantime let's see some memes!" announced Akua.

"Get it over with.." mumbled Giyuu.

"Mwahahahahahahagagjvghduyd" chuckled the host as she pressed play on a remote and this appeared on the screen:

"Mwahahahahahahagagjvghduyd" chuckled the host as she pressed play on a remote and this appeared on the screen:

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Found this on devinart by- @Kanon58


Tears bubbled up in Mitsuri's eyes as she tried to conceal her laughter.

Meanwhile Uzui and Sanemi were showing no effort in hiding their amusement. "BAHAHAHAHAHA! SO FLAMBOYANTLY FUNNY!"

Kanao just had her usual poker face on as she watched Shinobu nudge Giyuu saying, "Ara ara you don't look bad dressed like me, do you, Tomioka-san?"

Muichiro was wondering how the background suddenly changed in the third square. 'Maybe it's lightning..'

Giyuu turned to Shinobu and said with a straight face, "You don't prefer Douma over me, though, do you?" Shinobu smiled mischievously and said, "I may dislike you, Tomioka-san, but I don't despise anything more than the monster that killed Kanae."

Obanai was snickering and even Kaburamaru hissed with what was assumed to be laughter.

Inosuke turned to Giyuu and barked, "You're losing your coolness, Hontioka!!"

"I pray for us all" mumbled Gyomei.

Urokodaki and Kuwajima were laughing together. Urokodaki slapped Giyuu's back, Giyuu didn't flinch, and chortled, "You look great in a female slayer's clothes!!!"

With a look of pure evil plastered on her face, Akua pressed another button. 
This time it showed a video.

On YouTube!
Credits: fuwari

"NeEeEEEeEEEEEZUKO-CHAAaaAaAAAaaAaAnN!" Wailed- guess who?

Tanjiro was blushing at Kanao.
Giyuu began hating Douma more.

Akua played it again, and this time, Uzui whistled, and Makio glared at Nezuko and Kanao. Sanemi looked over at Genya, who refused to look at the screen. Then he looked away to see Douma dancing again. Then he just mentally screamed and glared at his shoes.

Naho, Sumi and Kiyo clapped for Kanao and chattered to her nonstop.

Then Akua turned to you and shouted,


(Word count: 1012 words.)

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