Chapter 9: Passed

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Ruby's POV

What was I..? Why the hell was I hugging him! I-I don't know what I'm supposed to feel! No I'm supposed to hate him! He killed Akaila! Did I mention?!He's a freaking serial killer!

Gosh these cuts hurt like a bitch! My tears finally stopped after a while and almost everything in my body went numb.

I knew I couldn't like a blood-thirsty monster like him. It's impossible! Or am I just looking one way without the other?! "UGH! I hate not knowing!" I shouted turning around in my cuffs and burying my head into the soft pillow.

I have to admit though.. I did kinda like how nice it felt just to be against his cold skin like that.. oh gosh what am I freaking becoming?

Jeff's POV

I smiled insanely as I dug the knife deeper into the mans's stomach. "Heh, heh HaHaHaHAHA!" I was having so much fun! I stabbed him repeatedly even after she was dead when I sliced his neck. His hilarious pleads and screams. Everything was mangled and I loved the sight. I dipped my fingers in his teared stomach and wrote with his blood "Go to sleep" above his bed after carving a bloody smile into his already bloody face.

I got off of the bed and smiled psychotically at my wonderful and beautiful creation. My clothing was drenched in all my victims blood.

The sirens were heard in the distance so I quickly got off the bed and looked at the time before running. I ran out into the woods and thought about how many I killed and smiled.

6 families
4 couples
1 male

They all turned out beautiful but enough of that, I reached the house and ran inside. Running up the stairs, I pull my blood covered hood off my head and through it a basket once I got to my room.

I stared up at the ceiling then remembered Ruby was here. I smirk crawled on my face but I quickly ignored it and switched to my side on my bed. I buried my face into my pillow and quickly fell asleep.


Ruby's POV

It's getting kind of lonely again. The night was still here and the stars plus the moonlight were my only company. I smiled to it and quick thoughts of my dad popped up in my head and I tightly grasped the pillow.

"Was I ever gonna see him again?" I asked myself with a sigh. Actually, would he ever find me? I mean I don't even know where Jeff took me and he's a killer that gets away with every murder! Come to think about it what did happen to Jeff that makes him do the things he does and the way he looks?

The cuffs connected to my wrist never loosened and I'm tired of holding my arm up to it. I would've screamed Jeff's name by now to unlock them but I doubt he was going to. 'He would think that I was gonna escape, which I probably was..'

Before I knew it, it was morning and my cuts were still wide open which could easily get infected. I started getting very dizzy and my head fell backwards. Pictures of my mother that dad had showed me popped up everywhere. My father when he gave me my first teddy bear when I was 6. First cartoon, soda, cookie.

"J-Jeff..!" I intended to scream but to no avail. I started hyperventilating and couldn't stop until the darkness was all in sight.

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