Chapter 22: My Precious, Bloody Jewel

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Jeff's POV:

EJ and I walked through the woods with our blood-stained attire and weapons.

"So.. how are you and Ruby?" EJ asked trudging along beside me.

I sighed out of irritation, "Seriously?" I ask picking at the tip of my sharp blade.

"Yeah dude," he said hesitantly looking at the knife, "really.."

I laughed psychotically, "Your hesitation fills me with joy," he gave me a look that told me not to procrastinate, "Okay, okay. Here's the truth, ready?" He nodded eagerly waiting for my bullshit response, "Nothing." I bursted out laughing while he growled in utter annoyance.

"Seriously Jeff! It's strange seeing you like this!'ve never been so soft on a victim before, so why her? Why now?"

I scoffed, "I'm not sure what you and Slender-man are thinking of but I can assure you, if it has anything to do with that bloody emotion love," the word was just like poison in my mouth, "then, you're completely wrong."

EJ mentally deflated, "I dunno man.. it sure seems that way.."

Instinctively, I held my knife to his neck, "I. Don't. Feel. Love."

He chuckled, "So defensive. At least that'll never change, eh Jeffery?"

A grin took over my disgusted expression as my arm fell limply to my side, "I guess." I paused in silence but snapped, "And don't fucking call me Jeffery!"

He laughed louder since we were finally near the mansion, nobody would hear us from here; its to far away from any human town.

EJ and I walking into the ancient and haunted looking mansion, casually. We both shared a look before going up but immediately stopped in our tracks after hearing a forceful thump coming from my room.

"What the hell?! Jeff, did you leave the door unlocked!" EJ shouted while speeding up the stairs with me following besides him, stomping in anger, "How the fuck, was I supposed to know that somebody would break into this place?!" I retorted equally with anger.

I stopped right in front of my room but hesitated entering due to the strong smell of the familiar iron scent, filling my lungs.

"Dude.. I'm pretty sure that's blood.." EJ muttered and opened the door, stepping in before me. He stopped abruptly staring down at something, "Holy shit." He cursed.

Anticipation and adrenaline filled my veins causing me to push him out of the way. My eyes met the dead body of Ruby's.

I immediately looked away. Why the hell am I so surprised?! I've seen countless bodies before.. this isn't anything knew.

EJ exhaled quickly before looking away and towards me with sympathy– fucking sympathy.

"Don't fucking look at me like that!" I snapped clenching my fist around my knife handle to the point where I felt blood ooze from my nails that are digging into my skin.

"Jeff!! Stop denying it for once and realize that you actually liked her! You never hold mercy on a victim so what was it that made you stop from hurting her?!" He fumed, "For fucks sake, use your psychotic mind for once! I bet even your little voices were telling you so!"

I stood silent because for the hate of everything, he was fucking right! I'm not going to admit- probably never will admit that I supposedly liked her.. But, there is no denying that I felt and saw her as more than just a simple victim.. she was more than that.

Angrily, I stomped out of the room and down the stairs. "Fuck!" I yelled slamming the doors causing glass windows to break behind me.

Fucking hell!

Guilt and regret bubbles in my stomach and I couldn't help but beat myself up for it.

"Why the hell did I let her go so easily?! What lesson was I being fucking taught!! How the fuck WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW ANY FUCKING BETTER!" I shouted punching multiple wholes into the wall out of raw anger.

Once more, I'm left with nothing.

Now, I fucking know the value of loosing something that was worth more than what I thought?! Fucking now?!

She was more than a damned victim.. she was Ruby..

Two tears slid past my barriers, "..she was my precious, bloody jewel.."


And that's the end of this book!

Okay yes murder me if you want but, I knew I wasn't planning on finishing this book anymore and I didn't want to leave anyone on a cliff hanger any more!

Although, something did go according to plan, she was originally going to die. Dark I know but, it's better off that way.

Especially for a serial killer.

But what would I know? 🙃

Anyways thanks for reading this book and sorry once more for how rushed it is.. another reason I don't want to continue this horrid book..

Love y'all and I'll see you in my next book~


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