Chapter 13: A Decision

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Ruby's POV

My eyes flutter open to the feeling of someone's arm around my waist. Alarmed I jumped up and see Jeff.

He was still sleeping with a washcloth covering his lidless eyes. I'm not sure if I even felt kinda bad, why would someone even want to burn their eyelids.. Isn't that painful? But then again he isn't completely human and only someone normal like me would question that..

I've been with Jeff for awhile and I've grown used to his presence. Even if he's a serial killer, I feel kind of safe around him.

Although, even if I do feel comfortable around him that doesn't change the fact that I do miss my father.. I haven't seen him in a while, I wish we could just be sitting down right now chatting but I don't mind talking with Jeff either.

Fuck! I just hate this feeling, it makes me all confused, the feeling of not knowing what to do; like your hands are tied and you have to watch everything unravel without your choice or consent. Like this knot in my stomach that I can't avoid every time I see Jeff..

"Morning." I heard him say, and I jumped up. He cracked up laughing and I pouted, "That's not funny, I thought you were sleeping." I reasoned out. "Please.." he said back and removed the washcloth from his eyes.

He ruffed up his hair and came out from under the covers. 'God damn.' I thought looking away. He has a freaking six pack. Who knew killing is a great way to stay in shape. He smirks while looking up at me. "What? Like what ya see?" He asks and I do everything I can to cover up the blush that threatens me. 'Damn you teenage hormones!'

"Oh please." I say in a flustered tone struggling out of his now tight grip around my waist. After a while of struggling, I just decided to give up. It was no use he was stronger then me and I had no hopes of making it out of his arms..

"Hey at least I didn't blush at someone without a shirt." He said with a small laugh. Not like a psychotic one but a surprisingly genuine one; almost human like. "Hey at least I don't go getting out of the covers without my bra."

"I wouldn't mind that either." He snickers. "I'm not doing that!" I exclaim with that earlier blush creeping up on me. "Aww." "Oh shut up." 'Surprised he even knows what that is.'

"Wait, was that a dream or are we really in a mansion filled with murders?" I asked recalling the night before. "I believe so." He answers falling back on the bed.

"Wait what?!" He said shooting up from where he was originally laying down. "What? What's wrong?!" I frantically ask as the covers went flying off the bed. Jeff let a low growl out making me decide to back off, trust me when I say I know what happens when he gets angry.

"So it wasn't a nightmare.." He muttered and I stood
confused. "Nightmare?" I shuddered and he fell onto the bed flat on his back again.

"Jeff, this should be my reaction." I told him and he just waves my statement off, "I don't feel like dealing with their idiocy." he said out of nowhere.

Wow. That's his complaint.

The door opened and Laughing Jack(LJ) was his name from the YouTube videos came in. He has a crazy and a really brutal backstory for that fact.. "Come on Jeff! All you had to do was step outside!" he exclaims excitedly holding multi-colored balloons that seems to be filled with water. Jeff sighs dramatically. "See..?" He turns to me and gives me a tired face pointing at the monochrome clown at the door frame.

"Poor Jeff." I say and pet his head which he surprisingly allows. "Who's this? I know BEN said there was someone new." the clown asked suspiciously walking up to me.

"Heh." I couldn't find an answer and as he got up to me Jeff held him back with one hand. "Awwww come in Jeffy I just want to meet her!" He exclaims like a little child.

Jeff's POV

Damn, can't they just leave me alone for two seconds. I didn't need any questions.. it's not my fault I couldn't kill her.. Just something inside me tells me not to and another voice says to. I just don't know who to listen to..

"Well whatever do you wanna hang out with BEN and I, were gonna chill in his room. Also, Slendy wants some words with her." He asked and I knew if Slendy ordered something it was final. "Fine." I answer. 'I guess he's still around.'

She shuffles in her position and rolls back into my bed. I turn back to LJ and we both walk out to BEN's room.

LJ opens the door to BEN's room and BEN finishes connecting the PS4 controllers. "Yo." he greets and we all jump to the couch and pick up our own controller.

Ruby's POV

Now I feel more nervous.. I'm used to being around guys but they're all murders..

"I wonder how much Maddie's bitch squad would bully me about this.. Being gone this long, hell she probably doesn't even care." I spoke to myself. I started writing imaginary words on my hand with my index finger. Things as in hateful words about Maddie and her friends.

"Talking and writing to yourself, I see?" I heard the same deep male voice from yesterday. "Huh?" I distinctly turn around and met with the same tall and faceless creature from before, "Oh u-uh hi?" I greet tripping on my words.

He fixed his tie with his tentacles, "So your Jeffery's
so-called victim? I guess you really might be somewhat crazy." He says and I shrug, "I dunno? I mean he did torture me and threatened to kill me? A-And I'm not crazy!" I answered and denied. I'm not right, it's normal for someone to right on there palm and talk to themselves, I do it all the time..?

"Listen I'm not sure what Jeffery is thinking right now.. he was always a mystery." He tells me and I give him an 'I-Kind-of-Know-What-You-Mean' look. It's true, not even I can guess. He kinda just had random bursts of insanity, don't know when there gonna just randomly visit.

"One last thing, try to stay on all of their good sides, to be honest if it was just you here without Jeffery as an escort I would've already killed you, but he seems surprisingly calm around you. I'm glad he can find some comfort.. Also, tell Jeffery if he's gonna keep you here that he should teach you small techniques to defend yourself just in case he is out on a spree with the rest of us and no one is here." He explained, I wasn't really that strong so would I really be able to be trained. Also, no duh I was gonna stay on there good side, they were fucking murders.

"You think my kidnapper is gonna teach me self-defense?" "I believe Jeffery doesn't see you as a threat/victim. Like I said before he's calm around you; around a normal victim-actually no a victim would be dead by now. He never keeps them to long, your special to Jeffery I can just tell."

"My father I couldn't just leave him.." "Your father..? Child.. he's already dead.."

'He's already dead.' 'He's already dead.' 'He's already dead.' 'He's already dead.'

"Who did it..?" "You'll figure out soon.. it would be wrong of me to say."

"...Of course.." Not only had I lost my father, God knows I'm not strong enough to be trained. How could I..?

"Give yourself a chance, I see some hope in you; wouldn't mind making you a proxy if you were trained well enough.."

"Wait? You mean as in trained to kill others..? I doubt I'd do that.." I asked him, I'm human I couldn't just kill as easily as them.. I'm not mentally prepared for something like that and I'm only here cause I'm a freaking victim! I just can't believe he thinks that I'm not..

"I can see it, Jeffery does not have the courage to hurt you nor kill you." He paused.

"Also, the killing all starts with the one who caused you the most hell. Go for the ones that made you feel bad for yourself. The ones that make you angry. That feeling you have every time you feel rage reach your hands and brain; that's your insanity and blood lust."

"The one who caused you hell? And that rage has visited me many times." I asked and he nodded. Suddenly one name I hate the most floods my head.


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