The Curious Case of Kim Taehyung

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Ao3 by : softbangtanboys

Summary :

When Taehyung suddenly presents as an alpha at the ripe old age of twenty-five, his subsequent horniness makes him keep popping awkward boners in the presence of his beloved hyung, Yoongi.

Thoroughly embarrassed, the last thing he expects is for Yoongi to be a willing participant in the ensuing shenanigans.

However, Yoongi has had a soft spot for a certain underclassman for years, and would definitely not mind helping him out of a sticky situation, pun unintended.


Taehyung, despite his burning love for the unconventional, has always led a somewhat unexciting life. A beta son born in a middle class family from Daegu, he's twenty five years old now and working a desk job - decent pay but nothing too fancy. He appreciates abstract paintings and avant-garde films, but switched his major from art to economics, in hopes of finding said job, and occasionally regrets his decision. Thanks to it, however, he has an okayish apartment, a beat up car and his prized possession- a saxophone that he tries to play, unsuccessfully, on weekends.

The highlight of his life, of course, is his close knit group of misfit friends - they're all so different, it's a miracle they'd happened to befriend each other back in college. But they're a good lot, the best he's ever had and they've stuck together over the years despite heading down their own paths after graduating. They try to hangout on their days off, meeting over drinks at the local bar, but recently their meetings have grown sparse as they've grown busier with the responsibilities that come with adulthood. Jobs and taxes and relationships and the suchlike.

Taehyung.. Taehyung is single. He's had a few relationships, but nothing serious. It's not for want of offers, he's aware he's easy on the eyes and often gets asked out by betas like himself. It's just that he hasn't ever found anyone that's really had that impact on him.

Being a beta, Taehyung does not possess the keen sense of smell that alphas and omegas keep talking about. So unlike, say the way Jimin and Jungkook wax poetic about how they fell for each other's scents after they presented, Taehyung has no captivating experience, no passionate love story to recount. He's not bitter, he adores his friends dearly, but sometimes he finds himself wishing he wasn't a beta.

Betas are considered lucky, or at least that's what his mother had told him, when he'd failed to present at eighteen. She'd emphasized how alphas and omegas had to deal with monthly mating cycles - ruts and heats respectively. These were complicated to manage, especially if you were unmated, and often put you at risk as well, because pheromones peaked during these cycles and the scents tended to attract unwanted attention. Most unmated omegas used scent blockers and suppressors to deal with their natural biology, and some were jealous that betas did not have to experience the same hardships.

But being a beta came with its own set of disadvantages. In a world devoid of pheromones, there's no heady dizziness of scenting your mate. Unlike the red rimmed eyes of fired up alphas and gold rimmed irises of omegas in heat, Taehyung's eyes have no special coloring- they're just plain black like the majority of Asians. And of course, although he's never mentioned it to anyone before, Taehyung suspects the lack of alpha/omega biology means he's missing out on phenomenal sex. It's not like he hasn't slept with anyone. He has, and it hasn't always been bad. But like the rest of his life, it's never been particularly mind-blowing either. Just boring vanilla sex like the rest of his boring vanilla life.

If he had to pick a color to describe his existence as a beta, he'd pick beige.

Taehyung supposes he'd always been destined to be a beta. He just never realized it. Most of the population tends to present at eighteen, so he'd eagerly awaited his eighteenth birthday, sitting with Jimin in their dorm, waiting for the clock to strike twelve with bated breaths. When nothing had happened, he'd been somewhat disappointed, but Jimin, who was yet to present himself, despite being a few months older than Taehyung, had assured him it was natural.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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