Are You On The Menu?

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Ao3 by - SandiDii

Summary :

Taehung walks into the coffee shop with a plan to study and leaves with a cute barista.


The worst thing for Taehyung about being marine biology student is the number of endless all-nighters he has to pull just so he can pass his finals and be able to do what he really wants to do in life; save the turtles.

That’s why, sleep-deprived, he staggers into the closest, still-opened coffee shop he could find, for his much-needed dose of caffeine. He just wants to get some americano and go study until he collapses all over his notes. What he doesn’t expect is to find an incredibly cute, grumpy-looking barista behind the counter. He stops in his track. Taehyung hasn’t slept in the last 21 hours and he blames his lack of sleep for not being able to do anything other than gawk at the beautiful man. He takes a moment to study every inch of the other man's face. He makes note of how his eyebrows furrow just slightly, how his lips part while he takes the order, how his sharp eyes glisten a little bit, making him appear livelier despite the very much present dark circles underneath.

The person in front of him moves out of the line and suddenly it’s his time to order. His palms start to sweat and his heart begins to race in his chest while he tries to compensate for the time lost staring at the cute barista, instead of preparing what he wants to say.  Nonetheless, reluctantly he makes his way towards the register.

“Hi, what can I get you?” An emotionally-drained voice asks him.

For a second Taehyung makes eye contact with the barista, before quickly averting his gaze. He tries to find something else to focus on just so he doesn’t have to look into the cute boy’s eyes. His gaze lands on a name tag, slightly slanted and carelessly pinned to the man's chest. He narrows his eyes to see the name Yoongi displayed on it. Yoongi - a cute name for a cute person Taehyung thinks.

Before he has time to process what he’s saying, he utters a quiet.

“Are you on the menu?”.

Once the words finally sink in, his eyes widen in horror. He’s ready to apologize but a soft giggle distracts him. His eyes shoot up at the barista; Yoongi, and he melts at the sight. The shorter man's face appears to have brightened instantly as he reveals the most precious, gummy smile Taehyung has ever seen.

“No, but I can get you something just as bitter.” He responds, a playful grin still present on his face.

Taehyung brings one arm up and starts massaging his nape with his hand not sure how to respond. His mind is racing, trying to process what's happening. Is he flirting? Would that be considered flirting? Taehyung doesn’t know how to flirt. Especially not when he’s just a second from collapsing out of exhaustion.

Not being able to make any sense of this situation he blurts out.

“Umm… Just a regular Americano will do, thanks.” His cheeks flush bright pink.

“Huh, I wouldn’t take you for an Americano type of guy.”

Yoongi shrugs, one hand reaching for a plastic cup next to the cash register and the other grabbing a marker from the counter. His comment leaves Taehyung baffled, to say the least. Who is this guy? First, he flirts using some self-deprecating humor and now he has the audacity to question his coffee choices?

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

 Taehyung throws a challenging glare at the blonde man. The action seems to startle Yoongi as he looks down at the cup he’s holding, suddenly embarrassed.

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