Been Thinking Bout You (And Me)

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Ao3 by : bumnamgi

Summary :

Taehyung is Yoongi’s nude model and Yoongi can't handle that tanned brunette anymore.


Yoongi thought he’d be fine.

He’d gone through the nude photo shoot with Taehyung just fine. Everything had been great.

The lighting had been perfect. Yoongi had gotten amazing shots. Taehyung had been more comfortable with him that time around. Yoongi had kept his feelings at bay for the entire shoot without any problems at all.

But now he’s sitting in front of his computer, his camera’s memory card loading up the photos he shot yesterday and he can’t tear his eyes away from the photos of Taehyung’s thighs.

It should be goddamn illegal to have thighs that incredible, Yoongi thinks, downright illegal.

And it’s no fair that Yoongi has to sit in his digital darkroom (that’s what he calls his bedroom when he forces the curtain shut and turns off all the lights) and edit these nude photos of Taehyung when he’s been pining after him for close to two years now. It’s so unfair Yoongi feels like screaming.

He’s done nude photo shoots with Taehyung before. He’s done tons (aka, three) of them before, this should be no different. It shouldn’t be any different and yet it is. Because Yoongi can feel his cock twitch in his basketball shorts and he’s hyper-aware of the fact that after this photo of Taehyung’s thighs are the many photos of Taehyung’s erect dick Yoongi has been avoiding.

There’s a bottle of lube in Yoongi’s drawer and beside it, his favorite dildo, and he shouldn’t be feeling so tempted to just open himself up and fuck himself back on the toy while looking at these photos. But he is and he can’t help it. He’s held himself back for so long that even doing this wouldn’t come close to being as weird as when Namjoon pushed him too hard and Yoongi’s face ended up in Taehyung’s crotch.


This Yoongi could live with though. He could take this secret to his grave. He could and he will.

So he prints the photos. Taehyung’s dick doesn’t need any editing or recoloring, it’s perfect the way it is and Yoongi grabs his bottle of lube and his toy and he makes sure that the suction cup’s grip is fine before he sets it up on his drawer. Taehyung’s photos are done printing so he picks them up and whines.

He might’ve found it embarrassing if he didn’t live alone, but he does, so he thinks nothing of it. No one is around to hear him anyways.

Taehyung’s dick is, for lack of a better word, pretty. It’s brown and a decent size and Yoongi can see the mole that’s right above his groin. There’s a mole on Taehyung’s dick as well but it’s located on the underside and can barely be seen in the photo Yoongi is looking at. Taehyung’s dick looks painfully hard and Yoongi remembers how he’d gulped and kneeled to take more photos of the younger man’s groin yesterday during their shoot.

Taehyung had watched when Yoongi’s tongue shot out to lick his bottom lip, but neither of the two men had moved. Taehyung had held himself painfully still and Yoongi bit back a moan when Taehyung’s cock had twitched and formed a bead of precome at the tip. His body had been screaming at him to lean forward and lick it, but Yoongi’s more civilized than that and he’d quickly taken a step back instead, adjusting the zoom on his camera lens as he did.

Yoongi shoves his shorts and boxers down his legs and kneels in front of the drawer. He scrambles onto his hands and knees and pushes back to make sure that the dildo is lined up with his entrance before he spreads Taehyung’s photos out in front of him. He keens and lets his head drop to catch his breath. Yoongi had taken photos from every angle and for once in his life, he feels proud of his work.

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