Let's go

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"Wow it surprisingly worked "

They were all watching the roped muggers who were roped to the horses sitting on Edd's and Tom's shields

"Thanks for the advice Tord "Edd turned back to face Tord

"My pleasure to be for a helping hand "

"We're ready to go now? "

Matt wasn't only freaking for his face the woods started scaring him

"Matt the trees won't eat you" Tom tried to cool Matt

"I can feel them staring at my face "

"Shhh I think I hear roots moving " if Matt was scared for no reason might make some fun out of it tom considered

"Eeeh " Matt ran to the back of Edd's horse

"This is our clue to move ourselves out of here" Edd got up his horse offering to help Matt get up himself

Tom jumped up to his horse however his hand was patting the horse's back showing Tord to join the ride

"What? No helping hand for the prince?" Tord said while acting to Tom's sign

Too close the thought popped at Tord's mind

"Would've you taken the help?"

It was clear the question was rhetorical, though Tord couldn't keep his mouth shut

"The manner is to offer help all times matters not whether it'll get declined and why do you jump to conclusions about me when we just met after 8 years maybe I would have been accepting the offer"

He just loves messing with me this brat prince

"I'll try to remember for next time, your highness "

Sarcasm was all over there "I think instead for me getting bad manners you'll learn some good ones " Tom was about to answer Edd sensed the fight that approaches

"Let's get going "

From there on they had some small talk about the "event" Tord was a bit uncomfortable bringing that up but as they kept going it wasn't inconvenient any longer

They entered the city which had a lot of organizations going on the crew was only deeper at the conversation

"There, that's the jail in this city "

The jail was old with some climbing plants with no leaves and pretty empty from guards and criminals was it because there wasn't lots of rubbers here or the knights here can't catch them

Tom dropped the rubbers in front of the guards at the gate "a gift from England" the guards jumped a little at their stands
Tom left backwards to the horse with Tord on Bringing Edd's shield and his back

"To the bar" Edd gently whipped the shots to show his excitement

Tom shivered his hands "oh before we go you might want to put your hood back on" Tord realizing he was at the city without his coat covering him he fastly pulled it on "thanks"

How he even knew I don't want to be seeing and recognized

Edd stopped the horse "are you guys coming?"


"Four shots from your finest please " Edd asked loud enough for everyone whose there to stop whatever they did to glance for couple minutes

Matt was fleeing to the restroom looking for a mirror

Meantime the others found a place to sit at finding a table at the corner where it was private

The drinks were served to the table Edd paid no one started drinking still waiting for Matt

"What takes him so long?"


Sorry for overly pushing the story I'm just having a little writing block the next chapter hopefully will get a bit more straight to business

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