Two men

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Tord was currently at the breakfast table sitting next to Bertha and Harold.
Bertha was to be Tord's wife so he was forced to sit close to her so he'd get to know her better
As for Harold...he barged in whinging to his parents he needs to make sure the Norse prince and 'his' english princess won't get too drastic
You see Tord spent these few days reading books and going on adventures with his friends, well he wouldn't call it 'adventures' more of experiences to be exact.
Tord learned a lot about games and how society works.
His parents were busy with the Britain king and queen, they didn't have time to hold him up
Now they do and they decided Tord has to spend more time with the British siblings
After all he is engaged to one of them.
Back to Tord: the breakfast was over and he was walking by the royal siblings not paying attention to whatever they're talking about, he was drowning in misery thinking how much better the day could've gone to if he went with Matt today
After a while Tord understood what he was doing wasn't doing any good to him and chose to use Edd's way seeing things in a good way
I haven't made a true conversation with them since I met the two who knows maybe that would show that spoiled brat I'm worth something
So he came closer and spoke "England must be full of extraordinary stories! What do you say to tell the Norse prince a little of your fascinating kingdom? Any interesting news?"
The two looked at Tord rather amused then Harold as the proud boy he is said
"Finally you understood well Bertha is always updated of the most hot and amusing news"
"Right ! I forgot to tell you! There's a very outstanding situation in this very town I heard from the maidens I was shocked something like this could even happen!"
The three sat on the close fountain stone as Bertha told her story
"They found in our lovely town two males who say they're together like together together!
Can you believe it? They said that if church was allowing they would've married!
They're to be executed tomorrow like they deserve " Bertha paused to hear her brother's gasp
"Oh poor souls aren't they? Believing they're in 'love' now they won't be able to find true love"
Bertha finished to Harold laugh "they deserve it! They were naive and stupid to believe to man can love each other! What sickos would actually think that except if they don't belong here on earth?!"
Tord just listens he just heard of this option of two man together, what does he thinks is right? He wasn't sure he needed time
"Are you listening?" Bertha questioned then Tord noticed he zoned out
"sorry can you repeat what you said ?" Harold expression narrows and Bertha sighed
"What do you think of the execution?"
Tord was in conflict , I never bothered looking for one gendered love until I do I have no right to have a mind although if I'll say it to them... I'll probably be in line after the two males... what should I do?
"Hey ! Why aren't you speaking? One minute you want to chat and the other you stay silent? What do you think we're idiots?" "Harold stop, he's not talkative "
Harold turned angrily to his sister "no! I'm sick he pretends he likes us and on the inside he just wants to go to his poor friends like we aren't even worth his precious time!"
The English prince didn't even look at Tord when he pushed him into the fountain
"Come Bertha he doesn't deserve our attention " Harold said taking his sister's hand and walking off, for Tord it was good he was pushed he didn't have to tell his opinion now
But he should find Paul or Patryck and shower
"Todd! Where have you been? I've looked for you everywhere yesterday!" Matt chirped as Tord welcomed him from his lessons
"My parents forbid me to meet you the other day however it's alright now!"
Tord replied happily
After the event where the prince Harold shoved Tord to a fountain they agreed to let the winds calm a bit for a day or two
"Goody! Are you coming today as well? Edd questioned your absence, he'd be glad to hear you're coming along!"
"I sure hope so I missed you too"
"Let's go then!"
And so they moved along the castle to the gates along side Tord's guardsmen where they saw something amusing
Two kids standing behind the gates, waiting for a friend or two
"Edd?" Tord questions out loud "Tord!" Edd shouts cheerfully
Matt and Tord ran towards the gates leaving paul and Pat behind and bursted throughout for a hug from they're friend
"I'm so glad you joined today! I was worried you got sick!"
"Why come all the way here?" Tord changed the subject, he knew Edd and especially Tom weren't found of royalties and were already suspicious of him, if he'd tell them of his strict rules around commoners he'd be left alone for sure
"Oh right! I got some amazing news for Matt! I couldn't wait until he showed to our spot!"
"What is it then?" Matt got excited he always liked good news
"Well it's about my parents sewing shop and..." Edd started bubbling about sewing again doing his way to their hideout with Matt listening carefully
Tord on the other hand was kinda left out, Tom was there although that didn't say much
"Say Thomas " Tord spoke after what seemed of a decade of awkward silence
"What's up princess?" He replied lazily "please stop calling me princess my gender is not a female and you know it very well" Tord commented "you sure punch like one" Tom argued
Tord's face heated up at Tom's insult "I am not punching like a girl! "
"Whatever princess "Tom said playfully, Tord huffed
"Anyhow what did you want to say earlier?" Tom asked after they watched Matt and Edd for a few intense moments "well..."
"I heard there's an execution today of two... males who appeared to be in a relationship "
Tord said, he learned gossip is one of the best ways for a conversation
"It was delayed in a day because general Hilarson was arguing with the king of its necessity "
Tom replied plainly and stayed quiet "what do you think of it?" Tord let it out
"I'm with the general" Tom answer intruded the prince "I mean who are we to judge what they feel? What love supposed to feel? Society is just scared of the unknown and decides to just kill everything that might change the ordinary " as Tord heard Tom he understood and thought Tom is right, it's might be a lie the two males live however who he was to tell them to stop? If they're happy why bother interrupt their joy?
"Honestly I play the ships game from time to time" Tord was cut by surprise by that comment "what sailing has to do in this conversation?" Tord asked in pure curiosity
Tom giggled "it's a game where you take two people that are close to you that have moments where you can't but image them in a relationship the two might be two girls or boys"
Tord was more confused of how odd commoners games were
"Take Edd and Matt for an example. At this very moment Matt seems to look a bit too close at Edd isn't it cute? They're my favourite ship"
At first Tord looked at Tom in disgust, Tom noticed so he took Tord's cheeks and switched his head to look at the other two , and Tom was right Matt did seem a little too calm
"Sooo two people who seem cute as a couple but are not is what you call a ship?!"
Tord repeats to be clear "yep, if at the end they do date it's called 'the ship has sailed'"
Tord didn't respond he wondered how that supposed to be fun
"You'll see for yourself when your ship comes in view" Tom said as if reading his mind

... that day at dinner Tord found his ship and had to admit, finding those cute moments between the two are fun after all Paul and Patryck are always together

"Have you heard?" Edd asked enthusiastically "heard what" Tord replied
"Oh oh can I tell the news this time?" Matt began jumping around excitedly
"Why won't We both tell him " Edd suggested "okay "
"The male couple escaped yesterday! " Edd and Matt spoke loudly in unison
"They weren't found yet" Edd continued "the rumours say they're hiding until the investigation give up and stop" Matt switched the talking to him
Tord stood shocked from the news (he was yet to made up with England's royalty children)
as Edd and Matt exchanged theories about the disappearance of the two men
"They were rescued " Tom stated plainly "how do you know?" Tord asked as Edd and Matt both went silent
"I'm the one who rescued them that's how"
1500 words for heaven's sake what happened to me?!
Sorry for the debate as you might see it's longer then usual
How long it takes me to make a chap you ask?
Well I would've loved to show you how long it took me to choose what to even draw until I finally finished and how life sucks as hell but unfortunately Wattpad has no video option and life are too long to explain it to you
Soooo sorry very very sorry but it's only getting worse when my tests period come which btw is next week for the entire month
Hope I didn't bore you I'm still figuring out how long do I wish to continue with the bodyguard and the prince before things end/get complicated
And my art doesn't seem to improve
If you read all this here's a heart ❤️ you deserve it uwu
(XD I'm cringed from myself please kill me)
Anyhow hope you enjoyed and if you did please comment and vote I miss those
See you

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