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Back to the present: Tord was watching as Tom's favourite ship are catching up with all the time they were separated
The cause for his return to reality was no other but the blue knight himself
"Found you" he says , that made the prince jump lightly with surprise
"What are you doing?" The knight continued with suspicion
"Had nothing better to do" the prince replied after catching his breath again
"What about studying?" The knight asked in obvious sarcasm "very funny"
They glanced for a moment at the purple and green chat
"The best ship aren't they" Tom comments "mhmm" Tord nodded in agreement
silent fell upon them just then the prince caught the events
"Say... do you remember this two men from back then? The ones that you freed"
Tord notes wondering back to his memory "ah-ha" Tom hummed
"Edd and I stomped into them at one of our adventures, they live in a forest close to France, they said they're happy and thanked me again" Tom answered as if there was nothing to it "really?! That's wonderful!"
"As if a traitor like you would know" Tom scolded making Tord flinch in realization
Right... he doesn't like me... then he snaps
"wait, how did you find me?!"
The knight shrugged in return seeming to calm down
"you might be the will be king of Norway but I'm the king of hide and seek remember?"
"Sure sure, in any case why are you here?" The prince kept questioning
"I don't trust you that's why ,princess " Tord got irritated "don't call me that"
"My apologies... your ladyship" marking the last word and adding a giggle as the prince was getting pissed
"Priceless " the knight finished "I'm this close to punch you " the prince uttered
"Owww I'm sooo scared" the knight remarked with chuckles
"Eyeless" The prince muttered sitting as he listened to the knight laugh deem
Another pause of silence came upon the two, now for a glimpse of a moment they both could swear they saw their ship holding hands
"Have you seen???" Tord whispered-yelled "yes!" Tom cheered
They both high fived and smiled then sighed in satisfaction
Realizing they shared a happy moment together they both turned their heads around red crosses their faces
Slowly they both relaxed and checked on the other two seeing a quiet moment between Edd and Matt then instantly noticed what's about to come
"Soooo" Tom uttered as he tried to distract the both of them from what might happen in the view "what else did you plan on doing today? After watching this
cute ship bond I mean" Tord trying hard himself let a nervous chuckle
"Well... I assume I would read later on "
"I thought you didn't like the books here, said you have only information genre if I recall correctly "
"Impressive you still remember, nevertheless it's not from the castle's library"
"Oooh we have a misbehaving boy here? Where are you hiding those books"
"At my hiding spot " Tord blurted proudly quickly realizing what he just spilled
"A brat and a copycat who would have thought?!" Tom gasped in a sarcastic shock his expression not showing any emotion
"Maybe I'll go there right now!" triggered Tord snapped
"ugh go on, I'll surely find you in a few minutes anyway " Tom retorted firmly
"I highly doubt that! Nobody ever found me when I went there! Including my former guardsmen!" Tord's voice raising as his accent thickens as well
"We'll see about that" Tom stated angrily yet calmly
Tord stood up and walked away noticing a glimpse of Edd and Matt shocked seeing Tom and Tord were there all along
Can I time skip? I think I just time skipped, whoops ¯\_()_/¯
Tord was currently reading a book at his hideout
The hideout was located in a secret section of the library behind some rocks not attached good to the wall
The room itself wasn't big even small some might say, however it has stairs to get out of the castle and one window to breathe and jump if there was no choice although as time passed it got covered by bushes and trees
Today they call this stairs an emergency staircase
Back to Tord and his peaceful reading- "what's up" oh wait never mind...
Tord rolled his eyes in frustration "go away" he spat
"Told you I'd find you, I still got it" Tom continues knowing that his comments irritates the prince
"Congratulations king of hide and seek, you deserve a treat " Tord muttered cynically keeping his eyes peeled to his book hoping the knight would get the message and leave him be
"Let me freshen your mind-you're the one who gave me that title "
... I did that?
Oh my god! Sorry for not updating earlier it's just... look at the damn art above! (⌒▽⌒)
It took me a looooong time to make that one
I know it looks weird but I'm still so proud of it!!!
Hope you enjoyed and I'm chilling out 👋

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