First friend

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"Tord we want you to meet Mathew "

Patryck announced and Paul completed him

"The son of England marquis "

Then they both bowed a little to whisper into Tord's ears 

"Also one of the kids who stole the apples yesterday "

Tord wide eyes was lost in feelings and questions he just nodded to his guards and a little smile formed his mouth "it's a pleasure to meet you Mathew "

Tord walked off the table to shake hands with the noble 

"Please your honor call me Matt"

Matt said with a cheerful grin and shook Tord's hand exaggeratedly shaking not only Tord's hand but the whole body 

"Alright matt in return I wish for you to call me Tord"

"With pleasure "

The hand shake stopped leaving Tord a little dizzy

Tord then was led by his new pal forward waiting for the right moment to explode Matt with all his thoughts and questions he had in mind since the incident  

"Those two knights told me you saw us borrow those apples "

"Oh yes I was the one who stumbled into your friend "

A little quiet then Tord couldn't take it no more 

"Excuse me if I'm about to be rude though can I ask a few questions "

"Sure hit it on me"

Tord looked confused at Matt for a second he never heard such words being used at those kind of situations 

"Oh tim and Edd taught me this they said it's a slang for 'you may ask even if it might get awkward ' or something like that so yes you may ask whatever you would like Todd I must request that you'd do it fast I need to meet Edd and Tim soon"

"It's Tord and I shall "

"First of all why did you stole those apples? Surly you have enough money to buy them then why did you call stealing a borrowing 

Second of all who's-"

"Woh woh slow down one question at a time please "

Before Tord could ask as required they were out at the garden and Tord was stunned by the view

"Let's continue over there when there under that tree where there's shadows the sun and I are old enemies if you get what I mean"

Matt says continued with his slangs making English even harder for Tord to understand 

They sat on the grass under the mentioned tree

Tord inhales and starts his second attempt for his answers 

"Why you stole those apples and called it borrowing "

"Well it'll be no fun if we'll just buy those apples we won't need to run hide or eat it like we deserve that apple and it's borrowing because we do pay for the apples after we finished eating them although yesterday someone else paid for us... did you do that?"

Tord started laughing and said behind the tears "no fun?" Tord thinks a little and then sees Matt's point it's true that it's probably fun 'borrowing' stuff 

"Second question " Tord continued after settling his breath to normal again 

"Who's Edd and Tim"

When those words entered Matt's ears he looks at the sky" I'm about to be late"s

Matt jumps from the grass then turning to Tord to see he's shocked expression 

"Would you like to join me"

Tord's face lightening still 


Sorry for the long wait I suck at coloring so I had a crisis so until I'll figure it out it's without colors also I had a camp and it sucked hell another reason why I couldn't upload sooner 

One last apology is about my slow writing where I smear the story like chocolate so I'm very sorry hope for me and you it'll go faster from now on 

Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see your beauty reads next time  

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