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I was walking down the hall when I saw Mark Sloan talking to Meredith. I walked over.

"Dr Manwhore," I smirked.

"Little Red," Mark said. Before he could say anything Derek had launched his fist at Mark.

"Holy shit," I yelled.

"What the hell was that?!" Meredith asked Derek.

"That was Mark," Derek said.


Meredith was cleaning Mark's cut face while I leaned against the wall.

"Derek and I always did have the same taste in women," Mark said.

"Excuse me?" Meredith asked.

"You're Derek's lusty intern, right? Heard about you all the way back in New York. You're famous," Mark said.

"Hmm, well I heard about you all the way here in Seattle so I guess we have a lot in common," Meredith said.

"We're the dirty mistresses," Mark said.

"I suppose we are," Meredith said.

"My 400-dollar-an-hour shrink says that because behind this rugged and confident exterior, I'm self-destructive and self-loathing to an almost pathological degree," Mark said.

"Hey, we do have a lot in common," Meredith said.

"You know it's funny, Derek walks in on me naked with his wife actually in the throes. And he just turns around and walks away, but he sees me so much as talking to you and I'm on the ground bleeding. Interesting, don't you think?" Mark asked.

"Mark shut up," I said. Meredith grabbed the equipment to suture Mark's cut.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mark asked.

"You need stitches," Meredith said.

"I know," Mark said as my pager went off.

"I'm gonna go," I said.


I was at the nurses' station trying to write my charts.

"Is that supposed to be readable?" Addison asked.

"You try writing with broken fingers," I said. "Help me please,"

"I've got a case. Would you like to come?" Addison asked.

"I'm not very good at my job right now," I said.

"Take her and keep her away from charts," Nurse Tyler said.

"No coffee for you," I said. Nurse Tyler chuckled.

"Let's go," Addison said. We walked down to one of the trauma rooms and met George and Izzie who explained the case. "Spontaneous orgasms? Are you sure?" Addison asked.

"Oh yes," Izzie smiled.

"Kinda hard to miss," George said. Addison took Miss Calva's chart from Izzie.

"Okay. Miss Calva, I'm Dr Montgomery-Shepherd," Addison said. "You've already met Dr O'Malley and Dr Stevens and this is Dr Montgomery,"

"It's Pamela. Since we're gonna be talking about you know. May as well get familiar," Miss Calva said.

"Okay, Pamela can you tell me how long this has been happening to you?" Addison asked.

"For a few months, I guess," Pamela said.

"How often?" Addison asked.

"About 7 or 8 times a day," Pamela said.

"Every day?" Izzie asked excitedly.

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