29 | Drink and Drive

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"Esrin!" Remi shouts my name and I froze in the middle of the wide hallway that leads to the elevator

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"Esrin!" Remi shouts my name and I froze in the middle of the wide hallway that leads to the elevator.

I stopped but I don't turn around.

"Finley is looking forward to hanging out with us at the bar on Friday," she speaks. My eyes shut

"I don't go to bars," I reminded her, clenching my jaw so tight my molars hurt just to keep myself from trembling in my silent cries.

"Well...that's not our problem. You told him and Eddie you'd be there, so you will. Don't make Eddie and Finley suspicious," she tells me simply. How could she have the audacity to be like this after everything? It felt like an arrow through the heart when she said our.

"I don't remember that," I tell her honestly. I don't recall ever planning anything with them for Friday. "Not my problem," she repeats back the same three words in the same tone as before.

(Nearly 3 weeks ago- recap from chapter 19)

On the way to the first floor of Malik Creations to get myself a cup of coffee, I smile at a few friendly faces and endured a few small talks.

Grabbing a paper coffee cup at the coffee and tea station, I poured steaming water into most of it and then emptied a packet of vanilla coffee inside.

Stirring it together with a wooden spoon, I'm not watching where I'm going when I turn because I suddenly knocked right into someone.

Half of the coffee spills over me and soaks into my white shirt, having the thin material stuck to my skin. I gasped, my skin feeling as if it's been burnt by actual fire.

"Oopsy! I'm so sorry!" I don't pay attention to the person that says it because I'm too busy putting down the cup and pulling the shirt far away from my skin as possible. Napkins are being blotted to my clothes by a fair pair of hands.

"It's fine," I brushed it off because this isn't the first time this has happened to me so I suck up the pain.

The napkins soak up as much as they could and my burning skin has eased. The woman apologised through every second of it even when I dismissed her every time that it was fine. I look up at her, firstly noticing the lovely frame of her glasses.

Behind them are a beautiful pair of wide hazel eyes and her nearly straight long brown hair are a few shades darker. For some reason, as my eyes studied the shape of her face and all its features I'm a bit frozen. Even after hearing the British accent of her voice, it's too odd for some unknown reason.

She gives me a sense of familiarity but I know I have never seen her before.

"I'm Emma," she throws her hand out, not really giving me the decision to shake her hand or not so I do. "Esrin," I returned and her smile brightens. "Goodness, my day is going awful!" Emma starts jiggling her keys at her side. It's annoying but I don't say anything.

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