35 | Command and Control !

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"No?" Harry repeats the word I said, his head tilting to the side. "Are you going to be a brat today, darling?"

I don't answer and the longer I took, the more of his patience slip away.

"Would you like it if Death Hood pays him a visit, then? Cutting his hands off inch by inch starting from his fingers," he warns, tone dripped in seriousness.

"What makes you think I'll let you do any of that?"

"Don't fucking test me, Rin," Harry spits and I decide that it's enough. I turn, not missing the pleased grin he wears and walk to his bedroom.

My hand extends to touch the hallway walls on either side of me, feeling the Christmas decorations. His bedroom door was already open and I walked through, everything neat and tidy in place.


I paused, standing in front of the bed. I'm so aware of him, feeling his presence before he even appeared in front of me.

"Did he tell you how beautiful you look today?" Harry casually asks, studying my outfit. "No," I answered. "He must be blind then," he shrugs his shoulders.

"Do you know what happens when you lie to me, Rin?" Harry wonders, eyes meeting mine. "I get angry Harry?" I suggested, playfully as his hands slide up the front of my blouse to the neckline.

"You lose the gentleman in me," Harry reveals. Just then, he holds the thin fabric tight in his fists. It starts with a small tear in the middle and then the entire thing tears into two.

Harry tugs it off my body, starting a pile. "Huh, they said that was good quality," I say with disappointment, staring at the ruined top.

I don't miss the irritation in his eyes, in fact I enjoyed that it was there. Next, Harry finds the zipper of the skirt I wore, dragging the entire thing down so fast I'm surprised it didn't break off.

My skirt is gone a second later, yanked harshly down my thighs and then kicked off to the side. I didn't realize my underwear went along with it until I felt the cool air hitting my wet core.

"Stop fucking looking at me like that," Harry snaps, eyes narrowing at me. "Why?" I pouted, those heated greens darting to my lips," I like it when you undress me."

Fireworks flame behind where Harry leaves a trail up the middle of my back, stopping at the buckle of my bra.

As he got closer and closer to the buckle, his face inches closer and closer until his lips hovered over mine.

"Don't damage it, it's one of my favourites," I tell him, almost reading his mind about his plan for my bra.

His eyebrows furrow slightly," I can buy you more," he points out. "I can buy myself more but until then, don't," I corrected him.

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