𓆝.° 。˚. CHAPTER 1 .° 。˚𓆛*.。.

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"Being a Na'vi child is much different than being a human child. When Na'vi are young, they are taught to hunt, weave, sew, and lead from very early ages.  When humans are young, we are coddled and protected from outside dangers to the best of our caretakers' abilities. This is one of the reasons I wish I were Na'vi. To escape the prison that has become my home: the mobile linking unit. 

I don't necessarily have a family. I'm a test tube baby, grown of the General Ardmore's embryo. What really sucks is that Colonel Quaritch was the sperm donor, making Spider my half-brother. The Quaritch thing, not the Spider thing. I love that dummy.

I was created to be a soldier amongst the human colonizers on Pandora, with enhanced intelligence, Na'vian strength, and the ability to breathe Pandoran air, but still reproduce human children. Spider wasn't though, He was just the result of Quaritch having a night of drunken fun with his late commander Paz Socorro. He wasn't genetically mutated to survive here, but he does alright. 

When the Great War occurred 12 years ago, many human assets were destroyed. Leaders and trained military professionals lost their lives to the hostiles, making my creation that much more prioritized. They needed a weapon they could use against the Na'vi. Therefore, I'm suffocated with limits, restrictions, and rules. In my 10 years on this Earth, I have never stepped foot outside the mobile unit. 

Eywa, I want to soo bad, but my adopted dad, Norm, is such a control freak. It's always, 'You cant go out there, Arabella', 'It's not safe for you, Arabella', 'Put down your diary and actually listen to me for once, Arabella'-" 

I slam my notebook shut and face Norm, his eyes looking down at me disapprovingly. He doesn't like my diary. He thinks my perspective of his operation makes him look bad. He grabs my forearm and pulls me out from my hiding place under Max's desk. 

"Ella, what have I told you are writing in that damn book!" he exclaims exasperated. Norm grabs my diary from my hands and places it on the top shelf over the desk, probably the only place my greedy ten year old hands can't reach.

"Fuck ngenga, ngenga lonely lenay'ga! (Fuck you, you lonely sky person)" I spit at him while jumping for my book. He chuckles and crouches down to my eye-level. 

Placing a hand on my shoulder he says, "Tswayon, ngenga shouldn't say tsakem. Ngenga're ten. Second, ohe'm kea lonelier than ngenga are. (First, you shouldn't say that. You're ten. Second, I'm no lonelier than you are.)"

After standing up and patting me on my head, Spider rushes into the unit followed by three young Na'vi. They visit quite often, but due to me being a weapon literally designed for their destruction, I always have to hide when they come. I duck behind the closest Avatar pod, which so happens to be Grace's. 

Norm forces a smile and greets the blue monkeys, "Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, what are you guys doing here?" He sends a pointed look at Spider, silently scolding him for bringing the Olo'eyktan's children into the unit. Spider knows not to mention my existance to any Na'vi, especially Jake Sully. With my DNA and intended purpose, he'd have me killed almost immediately. Norm sends me a nervous glace as the three kids dawn masks and enter the unit coming closer and closer to me. I rotate to the opposite side. They walk to the front of Grace's pod, the girl, Kiri, smiling fondly at the corpse. This is the closest I'd ever been to a Na'vi, or in fact anything from outside this lab.

"Hi Mama" she says the kissing the glass. She looked maybe a year older than me. As I studied her face structure, I noticed differences between the three children. Kiri had a more humanoid nose, it turned up at the end. She also had 10 fingers and no fangs. Neteyam, the older brother I assumed since he looked to be the older out of the two, had more traditionally Na'vi features, with a traditional nose, sharp fangs, and only 8 fingers. Finally the youngest, the one that looked to be my age, Lo'ak, he also had the traditional nose and fangs but had 10 fingers like Kiri. Interesting...

"Hey Norm," Neteyam said to my father, "what's with this little Avatar?" he said while walking over to the Avatar that the scientists and I had spent the last 5 years working on. She was going to be mine when I turned 15. Her age reflected mine, showing her as 10, which obviously peaked the interest of Lo'ak, who ran over to my Avatar and stared at her through the glass with his mouth open. 

"She's just a dummy. We're using her for experiments like children's armor and such."

Finally, I locked eyes with Spider, silently begging him to get his friends out of my unit. He seemed to understand because he cleared his throat to gain attention. He got everyone's but Lo'ak's. 

"Guys, we should go," he said pointing towards one of the many windows, "It's almost eclipse and we don't want to make your dad angry." 

The siblings nodded in agreement and started towards the door. Kiri and Spider had already exited, but Neteyam notices his little brother's absence. Turning back he called to Lo'ak. Lo'ak started towards the door, his eyes never leaving my avatar. He didn't stop staring at her until he had exited the unit. 

Finally I came out of my hiding place, my ankles sore from crouching. 

Looking at Norm I just smiled sheepishly, "Happy birthday to me, I guess."


Hey guys! I just wanted to thank y'all for choosing to read my story. It means a lot. I'm going to be trying my best to follow the movie exactly, but considering I can't go to watch it every time I need a scene, there may be minor errors so please correct me on those. I hope y'all had a merry christmas and have a happy new years! Love y'all!


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