𓆝.° 。˚. CHAPTER 5 .° 。˚𓆛*.。.

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The rest of the ride was very uncomfortable. Lo'ak was stiff as a board he behind me and he kept giving off hostile energy.

After an hour, we landed on the sand before the Metkayina Clan, a tribe of Reef Na'vi that lived in a collection of hundreds of islands. We were instantly surrounded by Aquamarine colored Na'vi, all with light eyes and fish-like tails. We dismounted our Ikran and stood before the Olo'eyktan of the Metkayina, Tonowari.

(for visual reasons i'm giving a diagram of how the family is standing)
Neytiri-Tuk         Jake
Kiri          Lo'ak-Neteyam

As the Tsahik pushed her way through the crowd,  two teenage Metkayina children moved to stand next to Tonowari. They looked like his children.

"Toruk Makto," Tonowari said, "why have you come here?"

"My family and I are seeking Uturu."

The Metkayina clan gasped and took a step back from us. Tonowari looked a bit surprised.  After explaining the Sullys situation to Tonowari and the Tsahik, who's name I learned was Ronal, they agreed to give the Sullys protection, but no one said anything about me. As the men talked through the logistics of our arrangement and Tonowariinstructed his kids, the teenagers from earlier, Tsireya and Ao'nung, to show us around, Ronal started eyeing me suspiciously. She walked around Neytiri and Kiri and landed in front of me. 

Ronal grabbed my face harshly and leaned in to inspect me. She moved my face to the left and to the right, searching for any reason to get rid of us, and apparently she found one. As she walked around and saw my hands and facial features, she noticed that I didn't look like the other kids. 

"Tonowari, this one is a demon!" she shouted as the crowd began to hiss and back away from me. 

Tonowari pushed his way through the Sullys and looked down at me. 

"Toruk Makto," he addressed Jake yet again, "for what reason have you brought a demon into our home!"

He motioned to some of his guards who quickly ran up behind me and detained me. I didn't want to scare them anymore with my strength, so I let them. Jake joined Tonowari in front of me and placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"She is like me. Born of the Sky People, but now Na'vi. She can adapt," He explained pleadingly, as he turned to Ronal he finished with, "She can adapt."

The leaders exchanged a look before Tonowari nodded. The guards released me. I turned to Jake and mouthed "Thank you". He just sighed unapprovingly. 


As Tsireya led us to our Marui, I hung to the back, keeping a healthy distance from the family. While walking along the walkway, I had mothers pull their children away from me, people shout insults at me like "demon" "imposter" "disgrace" and the most hurtful one, "Ki'ong". Every time "ki'ong" was shouted I saw Lo'ak chuckle. I understand that he doesn't trust me, but to laugh was uncalled for. I was about to run up and confront him about it, but I couldn't. Not if I wanted to be somewhat accepted by these people.

The family stopped at a nice looking Marui on the outskirt of the tree roots. I saw Jake try to uplift his family's spirits to no avail. After the Sullys got settled in, Tsireya came up to me. She stopped at a distance, obviously, but she didn't necessarily look afraid. 

"Your  Marui is this way, Lenay'ga (sky person)" she stated as she led me in the opposite direction from the Sullys. Guess she's not afraid. She's just a bitch.

We walked for about 5 minutes before we reached my Marui. It was decent enough, but it was small. Hidden in the more crowded area of roots towards the center of the tree. You could barely see the water. 

Tsireya didn't stay to help me settle in, so I entered by myself. It was old. Very old. Some possessions of the last owner still laid scattered around the small pod. It was only big enough for one person, maybe two, with the entrance being partially covered by a tree. I set down my things and took in my new "home". 

--Lo'ak POV--

As soon as we landed, I had my sights set on Tsireya. She was gorgeous, with her braids fading into curls. Her lighter skin complimenting her beautiful eyes. 

Not only was Tsireya stunning and the Olo'eyktan's daughter, she wasn't a killer. 

Almost instantly when I saw Tsireya, all of my thoughts of Arabella flew out the window. How could anyone love such a betraying being?

My father called a family meeting as soon as we were settled. He said some stuff about fitting in and being respectful, but then he directed a comment at me.

"And please, guys, try your best to stay out of trouble." He finished, looking me dead in the eyes.

"I wanna go home" Tuk sniffled as Dad finished his speech.

"This is our home now, and we need to do our best to learn their ways." Dad comforted my little sister.

For once Kiri spoke up, "Where's A'ala?" She asked while looking around at everyone. This caught everyone attention, but mine.

"Why does it matter?" I asked, remaining seated as everyone else stood to go look for her, "It's not like she's Na'vi. Or a good person for that matter."

This pissed my dad off. He marched over to me and dragged me up by the ear, holding me firmly. 

"Listen here, Son. We agreed to watch out for her and protect her from Quaritch. Her life is in as much danger as any of ours, maybe even more," he tugged my ear closer, "and contrary to what you think, she's never killed anyone. She innocent and I will not put up with this shitty behavior. Understood?" he finished as he released me. I immediately gripped my throbbing ear, wincing slightly at the pain, "Yes, Sir."


Welp, I hope y'all are enjoying being hated by the love of your life. I have a plan, don't worry, but there's gonna be some dark shit in a few chapters because I wanna try to make this a little realistic. I will be providing warnings and I hope y'all have  good morning/ day/ evening! Love ya!


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