𓆝.° 。˚. CHAPTER 12 .° 。˚𓆛*.。.

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"Last night was... eventful. Sorry for being vague. I'm still processing, but what the fuck was that?! In a span of 2 days, Lo'ak went from hating me to literally sleeping with me! Bruh, what?! 

This morning he had to leave in a hurry because we heard his mom making her way to my Marui. He dove through the door and into the water just before Neytiri rounded the corner towards my home. She was hesitant to approach my human form, but not for long. She even watched me form the link and transfer bodies. It freaked her out a little. I could feel Lo'ak listening into our conversation from below. He's so gonna tease me about that later. 

Something big happened while Neytiri was here. She asked me to start calling her mom. Like officially. I'd already known that she thought of me as one of her children. I just didn't know she truly saw me that much. I told her I'd let her know by tomorrow. I don't know what I'll say to her yet though."

I was peacefully writing in my diary when Lo'ak hopped back inside. 

"I really need to get a doormat if you're going to be coming in here straight from the water. You're dripping everywhere." I said as he sat next to me in my tiny home. 

"I can think of something else that was dripping last night-" he started before I whacked him with my book, making him roll over, clutching his head. I got up and walked over to my pod where I placed my diary on top. 

"Damn! Maybe you are violent after all!" 

I walk back over to him after putting my book down. I leaned down to check if he was ok but he tackled me to the floor, rolling me straight into my pod. My head banged against the hard metal and I groaned out in pain, mimicking Lo'ak's action from just a second ago. We both freeze and look at each other before we break out into laughter, rolling on the floor while hugging each other. He gives me quick pecks all around my face as I continue laughing, the action tickling me. 

The kisses turn more serious as we remain on the floor wrapped around each other. Things stay at this level for a few minutes before I push him off, making him groan in disapproval. 

"A'ala, whyyyy?" he whines as I stand up and peek my head through my doorway. Everyone else was busy doing their jobs, paying us no mind. 

"You need to go," I state as I walk back and help him up, "Your dad will be wondering where you are."

"But I don't want to leave," he says simply while looking down at me, placing his hands on my shoulders. I just want to note that Lo'ak is 7'7 meanwhile I'm 7'0 so we have to strain our necks a bit to look at each other. I sigh and drop my head on his chest; he strokes my hair as we both prepare for him to go.

"I'll see you tonight," I tell him and I back up from him. This makes him smile and he starts towards the exit. He's halfway through when he turns around with a serious face. 

"Promise me that you'll go outside and do something today." I stay quiet while he continues to look at me expectantly, "A'ala, promise me." He sticks out his pinky finger.

"Fine, Lo'ak," I say, linking our pinkys, "I'll leave my semi-comfortable Marui." 

He grins and kisses our linked pinkys as he slips out the door the rest of the way, leaving me alone. 


It had been a few hours, and I decided to keep my promise to Lo'ak. Begrudgingly, I stepped out of my Marui, hissing slightly as my eyes adjusted to the sun. 

People looked at me as I made my way to the center, praying that lunch was still being served. I stepped inside to see Tsireya shoveling vegetables onto her plate. 

"Sleep in too?" I ask her as I walk to the opposite side of the room where the plates are, trying my hardest to be friendly. If I want to try and be accepted I have to get on her good side. 

"Don't you dare try and speak to me, Lenay'ga," she spits, dropping the spoon into the serving dish aggressively. She puts down her plate and storms over to me, fury written all over her face. She raises her hand to hit me, but I grab her wrist.

"You don't want to do that, Princess." 

She rips her wrist from me and lunges at me, pulling on my queue and scratching my arm. I push her backwards and she stumbles, falling to the floor. She tries to knock me down by sweeping her leg into the backs of my knees, but I remain standing. Meanwhile, she cries out in pain at her now swollen ankle, probably bruised. Somehow Tsieya manages to get up while I just go back to getting food. I'm probably 10 feet away from her by the time she's back in a standing position.

Tears are streaming down her face while she limps towards me. She stops next to me as I place a sandwich on my plate. Suddenly, her hand slams down on my plate, shattering it as it hits the floor.

"You bitch, I was gonna eat that!" I shout, turning towards her. She silent as she finally hurts me, her nails raking across my cheek. Blood drips from the three scratches. 

"You whore!" she screams in my face, "You stole my mate!"

"Sorry, babes, but I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't steal anything."

"Oh be quiet, whore! I heard you! I fucking heard you! The moment Lo'ak showed you any attention you pounced on him like a thanator. Desperate. We should just get rid of you. Save all of us the trouble you bring with you."

Something changed in Tsireya's eyes. A different kind of gleam entered them as she ran from the Marui as fast as her injured ankle would allow. I kind of just stood there confused. What is she on about?

Then it clicked. She's going to get rid of me. 

I bolted from the Marui just in time to see her round the corner to my home. I ran after her, but I was too late. I felt the link breaking as I fell off the walkway and into the water. 


Tsireya really though she did something by pulling out me out. She probably figured that I couldn't breathe Pandoran air like other humans, but boy was she wrong. 

I stayed in my pod until she left. I was practically defenseless again the Na'vi girl who hovered over me at 7 foot 2 while I was only 5 foot 6. I could fight her, but I'd be at a disadvantage. Once she was sure that I was "dead" she left. 

I lifted the lid to the pod and fell out, feeling my cheek. I could still feel the scratches, even though they weren't there. 

Apparently, the commotion of attempted murder caught the attention of Neytiri, who was playing with Tuk just a little ways away. They burst through the entrance as I sat on the floor crying at the loss of the life that I'd just started to love. Tuk immediately went to go look at the pod while Neytiri checked on me. 

"Who did this to you, Amhul (child)?" Neytiri asked, holding me close.

Through  chocked breath I somehow managed to get out, "Tsireya."

Tuk turned toward us and gasped.


Look I warned y'all that I was going to be making Tsireya a bitch, I just didn't know that I was going to be making her an attempted murderer. I feel like it fits though. She seems too perfect. She has to have a darker side. Anyway, next chapter will be a little more uplifting sooo yeah. Love ya!


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