1. Cruelty in every corner

978 32 6

This world is cruel. It shows itself in many ways, from the tyrannical reign of the vampires, to the hunger and homelessness of mortals on the streets.

One boy was not spared from this injustice. The young blonde, orphaned as a baby, lived on the streets. His name was Tommy.

Tommy was accustomed to this cruelty, of course. Being homeless at such a young age leads you to fend for yourself. From scavenging food, to the occasional theft, Tommy thought he had seen it all.

Oh how wrong he was..



Tommy jolted awake, his eyes fogged up from grogginess. Although he couldn't see the boy in front of him, he knew exactly who it was.

"..Morning Tubs, could you not be so goddamn loud next time?"

Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Tommy stared up at the brunette leaned over him, his goat ears twitched excitedly as he practically buzzed with energy.

"How could I not be loud on this momentous occasion?! It's your birthday!!"
The young ram began hopping up and down excitedly, trashing Tommy's Luxurious cardboard box he calls home.

"Jesus Christ Toby, stop!"
Tommy tugged on Tubbo's leg, knocking him over so he's sat next to him. "Listen, I know it's my birthday but we don't have to make a big fuss."

Tubbo playfully punched Tommy's arm. "Alright boss man, but happy 17th anyways."

Tommy stood up, stretched, gave his t-shirt a quick sniff, gagged, and got on with his day.

Him and Tubbo did their usual shtick around town. Tommy would steal a fruit from some poor shopkeeper's stall, Tubbo would run and catch him, and thus be rewarded with a few coin. If the police ever showed up, they'd simply both leg it, prize or not.

Leaning against a wall, sharing a pastry they bought with their little money, the two boys stared across the street at the bank. Built with Dark wood and a tasteful amount of marble, it was a true showing of wealth and prosperity, something the two would never have.

"I promise you Tubs, one day I'll buy us a mansion. We'll decorate it however we want, eat whatever we want, and get the bitches we deserve."

Tubbo placed a hand on Tom's shoulder and grinned up at him.
"I don't care where we are Tommy, as long as we have each other nothing can stand in our way!"

Tommy chuckled and went back to eating his share of the pastry. If only circumstances were different, he wondered where he might be now?

His train of thought was interrupted by a strange figure entering the bank. The man was quite short in stature, with a blonde ponytail and small amount of stubble, you'd think nothing of him. except for the GIANT black wings falling off his shoulders.

Tommy scoffed and elbowed Tubbo, pointing at the winged man.
"Look at that oversized pigeon, probably taking out a loan for his birdbath."
The two laughed, Tubbo cracking up so hard that tears fall from his eyes.
"Jesus christ alright it wasn't that funny!" Tommy said, but his eyes were also teared up.

Some moments passed as the 2 laughed, when the man exited the bank, this time with a parcel in hand. He stood outside the bank for a moment, before he gazed over at Tommy.

That was the moment Tommy's life would change forever.

The strange man looked him up and down, taking in every detail of his hair, his eyes, his face, everything. His eyes lit up, and a smile beamed across his face.

Tom looked back, disgusted, why the fuck was this old man looking him up and down? He nudged Tubbo, who stared back aswell. Both boys silently decided to get up, and slowly edge away from the street to a nearby alley. And before Tommy shuffled fully into the alley, he swore  he saw a flash of red in the man's eyes.

"Who in the fuck was that?!" Tubbo questioned, his face skrunkled in confusion.
"Probably some pedo." Tommy replied, shivering at the thought.
Tubbo grabbed Tommy's arm. "It's lucky we went into this alley actually." He started dragging the blonde further down the alley. "I left your gift down here."
Tommy rolled his eyes. "I told you not to make a fuss!" But a grin played on his lips, he was happy to be appreciated like this.

"Okay, close your eyes. AND NO PEAKING." Tubbo ordered, to which Tommy complied.
Something round and flat was shoved into his hands, as he opened his eyes to see..
"A disc!" He exclaimed, hugging it close to him. It would go perfectly for the old jukebox he kept at his 'home'
Tubbo grinned at his friend."17 is a special birthday, you're now officially the dancing queen."

The two walked back to their residence, sharing laughter and banter, and blissfully unaware of the pink haired figure following them.

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