6. This time it works.

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Tugging on his collar, Tommy stared into the mirror, his posture unusually stiff.

He looked.. Good. He wore a waistcoat in a deep wine colour, the shirt underneath being extremely poofy, with a high collar. He even had a bow tie! He felt like a fancy prick.. but he liked it.

He hated to admit it, but he loved the clothes. They were new, they were actually his size, and they made him look good. He didn't see the street raccoon in the mirror anymore.. he saw a gentleman. Someone people would actually care about..

Tommy shook his head, getting rid of those thoughts from his mind. He wasn't supposed to enjoy this. He was being held captive for God's sake!
..And it felt like a betrayal to Tubbo, in a way.

Tommy's self-pitying train of thought was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door.

"Ermm.. Tommy? Dinners ready."

It was Ranboo again, calling him for dinner. Tommy sighed, straightening out the waistcoat.

"Coming! I'm coming-"

He left the room, following behind the lanky, two-toned servant. There was a tense silence between the two as they navigated the twisted hallways of the.. Manor? Castle? Tommy didn't actually know where he was.

Ranboo opened his mouth as if to speak, but he shook his head, deciding not to. There was none of that friendly ease the two felt in Tommy's room anymore, the two knew they would be with the family soon..  and who knew how they'd feel about the unlikely friends?

Eventually they reached a large, wooden door. Once again, this one was intricately carved. Ranboo pushed the door open, giving Tommy a swift bow and a whispered "Good Luck."

The room Tommy entered could only be described as Lavish. The ceilings were so high it felt as though they were infinitely expanding upwards. The crystallised chandeliers hanging down almost blinded the boy. The walls were a deep velvety green, covered with paintings of known and unknown figures. And not to mention the banquet table. Solid mahogany stretching for what felt like miles to Tommy. Phil was sat at the head of the table, with Tommy and Techno on either side of him.

"Ah! Tom, there you are mate. I was worried you wouldn't show up."

Phil gave Tommy a cheery wave, his voice as tooth-rottingly sweet as ever. Tommy gave an awkward wave back, taking a few hesitant steps forward when-

"Come sit with me."

The brunette, Wilbur, spoke up, gesturing for Tommy to come sit with him. His voice was surprisingly smooth for his.. tattered looks. That trenchcoat had definitely seen better days..

Tommy pulled up a chair next to Wilbur, sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Why do you look so nervous? You're with family, man!"

Wilbur spoke so.. casually to Tommy, as if he had spoken with him every day for the past 17 years. He ruffled Tommy's hair, before turning back to Phil, who was clinking a glass.

Phil stood from his chair, his wings outstretched and his hands clasped.

"We are all so thankful to have a new addition to the family. Its been, what, centuries?"

Phil chuckled, making eye contact with Tommy before addressing the rest of the table again.

"Now, it may take some getting used to for all of us. But let me assure you, this time it will work."

Tommy froze.
What was that supposed to mean?! Were there others before him? And what did he mean by it would work?

Before Tommy could question it any further, Phil clapped his hands, grinning a toothy- or should I say fangy- grin.

"Dinner, is served!"

And with those words, a distinct sound of screaming came from not so far away.

•°○●○°• •°○●○°• •°○●○°• •°○●○°• •°○●○°•
Author's note!

Hey guys, dinkleburgered here. I'd like to apologise for not updating this story in actual yonks, you deserve better 😔

But I promise to try and update this story steadily now! No set schedule though, I'm not that organised. Hope you all had a very happy Oíche Shamhna! <33

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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