5. Detective Q.

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Tubbo was pacing, his footsteps leaving grooves in the grimy motel carpet.
He had cried earlier, his eyes still puffy and red, but now he was angry. That man couldn't get away with this.

Stuffing the broken disc he had given Tommy in his bag, he slung it over his shoulder and left his motel room.
His footsteps were fast, determined, as he made the familiar walk to Tommy's alley.
"Still as empty as it was yesterday.."
It looked exactly the same as he had left it last night, no one had come back it seems.
He looked around for any clues, footprints, forgotten belongings, anything, but it was just as Tommy liked it, a messy hellscape.
"Where else could I look for clues?"

Then it dawned on him.
The bank.

That's where he and Tommy saw the man leave before, something had to be there.
He began the walk to the bank, which conveniently went through the market. He supposed he could pick up some breakfast on the way there.
It would be a lot harder without Tommy though..
He'd just have to be sneaky.
Crouching gently next to the fruit stall, he snaked his hand up to grab an apple, when-
The stall keeper shouted at him,
"Just what do you think you're doing?! Keep your hands off my fruit!"
He smacked Tubbo in the head with a broom, to which he quickly scurried away.
But not without an apple in hand.
"Haha!" He laughed behind his shoulder while he ran, sticking his tongue out at the stall keeper, and definitely not looking where he was going-


He ran into something very solid, and very angry.
A very buff, very tall police woman grabbed him by his shirt collar.
"Petty thief eh?"
Tubbo fought against her, punching, kicking, but it was no use, her pure girl boss energy was too much for him.
She laughed, "Welp, let's get you down to the station."


"God these chairs are uncomfortable.." Tubbo thought to himself, sitting in the interrogation room of the police station.
He would occasionally cast a glance at the mirror on the other wall, sticking his tongue out at it.

A few moments passed, before the door opened, and a man stepped inside.
The man looked very unprofessional for a police station, his rumpled hair hidden under a beanie. Many undone buttons on his shirt with suspenders.
But none of that mattered, he was intimidating as is, due to the massive scar running down his face.
The scar ran from his right eye right down to his chin, leaving his gums and teeth exposed.

Tubbo shivered when the man stepped into the room, averting eye contact.
"You said your name was Tubbo.. Underscore?"
Tubbo nodded, and the man shrugged.
"Odd name. Listen Tubbo, if this was just one charge of theft, we would let it slide,"
The man sat in the chair opposite Tubbo, his posture unusually relaxed, and he continued.
"But we have reason to believe that for years you and another assailant have been stealing from the market stalls."

Tubbo gripped the end of his shirt at the mention of Tommy, staring at the floor.

"We'd like to know who you've been working with, and maybe your charge will be lighter. A name and a descripti-"

Tubbo stared into the man's eyes, his glare ice cold.
"His name is Tommy. And you won't find him. He's gone."

The man was taken aback.
"Gone? As in, fleeing the country or?-"

"Kidnapped, or killed."

The man was shocked, staring at Tubbo, who began to tear up.
"There was this man, at the bank and he.. he took an interest in Tommy. We ran, but the next morning I couldn't find him. And.. and-"
Tears streamed down his face as he explained. To which the man awkwardly stared at the mirror in the room.

"You uh.. could you describe the man to me?" He leaned back in his chair.
Tubbo nodded, wiping his eyes.
"He was blonde, quite short.. and had crow's wings-"

The man quickly stood up, and left the room. Leaving Tubbo extremely confused.
Seconds later he returned with a pink haired woman, who seemed to have small wolf ears on her head.
She wheeled on a corkboard full of photos, newspaper articles, and red string. Some photos having the winged man in them, others with figures he didn't recognise.

The woman elbowed the man, and he cleared his throat.
"I never introduced myself. I am Detective Q, and this is my coworker, Niki."

Niki waved cheerily to Tubbo, who awkwardly waved back.

"If your description is correct, your friend could be tied in with an investigation we're currently working on into this family."
Detective Q gestured to the board.

"They call themselves the 'SBI', a group of vampires known for dealings in the black market, murders and many other things. Including this."
He gestured to the scar on his face.

Tubbo was terrified out of his mind for Tommy. A vampire crime family!? Isn't that something you only hear about in cringey wattpad stories?

Niki chimed in as Tubbo zoned out, staring at the board.
"We'd like your help in tracking them down. If you help us, we can waive your charges, and get your friend back."

She held out her hand to Tubbo.

And he shook it.

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