4. Allies in strange places

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Night began to fall in the strange new place Tommy was stranded in. They removed the handcuffs from him but kept the door locked.

Opening the wardrobe in his room he found lots of fancy clothes, waistcoats, poofy shirts, all in his size.
He gagged, did they measure him in his sleep? He quickly closed the closet doors and began looking over some shelves.
There were framed pictures of the people he had met.
One picture depicted the winged man with a woman in a black gown. She was eerily stunning, with long black hair that swept the ground, she was ethereal.

Tommy was still examining the picture when someone knocked on the door.
"..Mister Tommy? I've come with food."
The door unlocked, and a new, freakishly tall person entered the room.
The person was 2 different colours, split down the middle, with almost demonic horns protruding from their head. They were dressed in a clean-cut suit and held a tray of food.
"Phil said you should eat, so he sent me up to you."
They set the tray down on the desk.
Tommy glared at the person, he wasn't going to be getting friendly with anyone in this hellhole.

The person stared back, wide-eyed and curious.
A silence passed between the two before the person cleared their throat.
"So uhh.. my name is Ranboo, I work for the people of this house and... yeah?"
Tommy stared past this 'Ranboo' guy to the door behind him.
"Oh, I have strict orders not to let you leave this room." He chimed, closed the door behind him.

Tommy huffed and sat down on the bed, crossing his arms and avoiding looking at Ranboo.
"So uhh.."
Ranboo twiddled his thumbs, bouncing on the ball of his heels, man this was awkward.
"You should eat, it's good for you y'know."
He nervously chuckled and carried the tray over the Tommy, there was French toast and a can of coke sat on it, very enticing.
Tommy was tempted to eat, but he refused. What if they poisoned it or something? He scoffed at it, staring at the ground.

Ranboo set the tray down on the bed and hovered near Tommy.
"If you don't eat it, Phil will be angry with me.."
Tommy looked up at Ranboo, he hesitated for a second before speaking up.
"..Is Phil the one with the wings?"

Ranboo was surprised that Tommy spoke, "Mhm! The pink one is Techno, and the brown haired guy is Wilbur." He counted them off on his fingers.

Tommy brought his knees up to his chin. "And... who's the woman in the picture?" He glanced over at the photograph.
"Oh her? That's Kristin, Phil's wife. I've never actually met her in person.. " Ranboo trailed off, lost in thought.

Tommy was warming up to this new guy, so he decided to try a bite of the French toast. He sniffed it first, examined it, and finally took a bite.

It was heavenly, easily the best thing he'd ever eaten. He began stuffing his mouth full, not even pausing to take a breath.
"Woah! Slow down, you might choke-" Ranboo worriedly said, but he was glad to see him eating.

After Tommy finished, he laid down on the bed, staring up at the canvas of its curtain.
"..I want to go home."
Ranboo was caught off guard, with a puzzled look on his face.
"I thought.. you didn't have one?"
Tommy chuckled, staring over at Ranboo.
"It's not really about where I live.. I have this friend, Tubbo, he's a fucking dumbass, but I miss him so much."
Tears welled in his eyes, and he looked away quickly.
Ranboo awkwardly sat there, very concerned for this guy.
"Hey..uhh, its alright, I'll be your friend?"
Tommy looked over at him again, and burst out laughing.
"Hey! It's not- that was a genuine offer!" Ranboo said, flustered.
Tommy kept laughing, his laughter turning to snorts.
"Alright, alright fine.. we can be friends." Tommy wheezed, his laughter dying down.

The two chatted for a while, Tommy talking about his life back home, Ranboo talking about his life here. But eventually, their talk was interrupted by a bell.

"Oh shoot, I have to start preparing dinner!"
Ranboo hopped up from the bed and grabbed the tray, hurriedly rushing to the door.
"Oh, Tommy, for dinner you should get dressed up, you'll be dining with the family." Ranboo quickly said, before rushing out the door.

"Wait-" Tommy was interrupted by the slam of the door and the click of the lock.
He groaned, shoving a pillow over his face.
This should be interesting.

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