2. "..Tommy?"

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The sounds on the street grew to those of the night, drunkards singing slurred songs in the pubs, laughter emanating from friends on a night out. Tommy found it oddly soothing.

After Tommy and Tubbo went back to where he was staying, they listened to the disc Tubbo got him. Faded lettering on it said it was titled 'mellohi'. They danced, and when they couldn't dance anymore they started rapping (badly), and when they couldn't rap they enjoyed each others presence. Just two best friends against the world.

When Tubbo left to go to the place he was staying at, Tommy recounted the days events in his head. Just who was that guy at the bank? And why did he take such interest in Tommy? I mean sure, you don't see a raccoon hybrid everyday, but it's nothing special. He wondered what was in the package the man got, and as he guessed, his thoughts slowly started.. to drift away... and he fell.. asleep...


"Are you sure this is the right kid?"
"Positive, Phil emphasised the 'scraggly' part of him."
The pink-haired one shrugged, and bent down to pick the blonde up.
"Jeez this kids light."
"Well DUH, what do you think he eats?"
He rolled his eyes, and begun walking away.
The brunette laughed and ran to catch up with him, a faint crack being heard under his footsteps.

Tubbo woke up to the sunlight streaming onto his face, he forgot to close the curtains last night. He groaned, putting his arm over his eyes. Maybe he could stay in bed for a little while longer...

"AHH!-" He felt something skittering across his face, he opened his eyes to make eye contact with a cockroach.
Jumping out of bed, he began smacking the cockroach repeatedly with a shoe, but it kept getting up again.

Eventually he forfeited the bed to the cockroach, there were 2 in the motel anyways. He knew the motel was shitty, but didn't know it was THAT bad.
He'd offered to Tommy countless times to come stay with him at the motel, but he always refused, saying he liked where he was.
"Bet you're glad you didn't stay here Toms..." Tubbo muttered to himself as he got dressed, his iconic look of a rumpled green shirt and jeans was all he ever wore. Not like he had much else anyways.

He exited the motel to go see Tommy, he had the route memorised off by heart, and could walk there with his eyes closed.
Walking into the alleyway he shouted, "WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!"
"Oi, Tommy, wake up."
He walked over to the 'bed' Tommy slept in. (a really long cardboard box) He looked in to find nothing.
"Did he seriously leave without me?"
He looked around at Tommy's possessions, but everything he takes with him usually was still there. His bag, his compass, everything.
Tubbo began walking out, frustrated, but he kicked something left on the ground.
Bending down to look at it, it was Tommy's disc, split in two, and very obviously stepped on.
That's when Tubbo knew something was wrong.
Tommy adored discs, he always wanted a collection he could hang on his wall, and he would never be so careless as to break it, let alone step on it.
"What happened last night..?"
Tubbo's mind immediately went to some horrible places, maybe he was murdered? Or kidnapped?

"He's probably just out looking for breakfast or something.." He reasoned to himself, Tommy sometimes goes off without his things,but the disc really was odd..

For the rest of the day, Tubbo searched for Tommy. He looked at all their favourite spots, shops, everything, and would occasionally return to Tommy's alley to see if he came back.
By nightfall, Tubbo found nothing. He returned to Tommy's alley to find nothing.
So he waited.
He sat against the wall and waited for Tommy to return.

As the clock struck 4am, he knew he wasn't coming back. He rubbed the palm of his fist against his eyes as he begun to cry. Why did this happen to his best friend? What could've caused this?

It clicked in his mind.
The strange man.

The strange man must've either kidnapped or killed him, and Tubbo wasn't going to let that slide. He would find his friend no matter the cost.

No matter what.

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