3. Where the fuck?

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"M'beds so comfortable, I don't ever wanna get up.." is what Tommy thought when he first woke up.
"Wait a minute, my beds never comfortable.." is what he realized seconds after.

Jolting awake, Tommy looked around to find an unfamiliar room. His confusion was immeasurable.
Jumping out of the bed, he examined the room more closely. Everything seemed so fancy, the four-poster bed, the massive wardrobe, the desk with a QUILL for God's sake.

"Right, this is a dream, everything's fine I just need to- OUCH-" Tommy stubbed his toe on the corner of the bed, and that pain was very much real.
"FUUUUCKKK." He lay down on the bed in pain.
"So this isn't a dream then... where the fuck am I!?"

He stood up and wandered to the door. He tested the doorknob.
The door was intricately carved with pictures of animals. A boar, a fox, a crow, and.. a raccoon.
The raccoon on the door looked much newer than the other carvings. He stared at the door for a while longer, before pacing the room, thinking about what the FUCK was going on.

It was earily silent, the only sound was the creaking of the floorboards beneath Tommy's feet and-
There were footsteps outside the door, and voices.
Tommy hurriedly looked around the room for something to use as a weapon, settling on a pen from the desk, and backed into the wall in a fighting stance.

"Come on boys let's see if he's awake or not-"
The door opened, and the winged man from the bank stepped in, his eyes trailing from the bed to Tommy at the wall. A warm smile filled his face.
"Good Morning! I hope you slept well."
Tommy didn't reply, he looked over the man's shoulder, his breath coming in shallow bursts.
"C'mon, this is no way to greet your dad!"
This confused Tommy, his..dad? His dad died years ago.
"..What are you on about." Tommy said, trying to add a hint of intimidation to his voice, but it coming out shakily instead.
The man chuckled, his feathers ruffled.
"We're your new family."
The man outstretched his arms, expecting a hug.
Tommy cautiously approached, his improvised weapon raised, he opened his arms and...
Bolted past him through the door.

He ran through a red carpeted corridor, spying a staircase and-
Strong arms wrapped around Tommy's waist, he kicked and attempted to bite the person, but they placed a hand over his mouth.

Still fighting, he was carried back to the room, a disappointed look on the winged man's face.
"Now now Tommy, there's nothing to be afraid of! I know this is a new environment but you'll get used to it!"

Tommy ignored him, and instead continued trying to escape the grasp of the person behind him, and a genius idea struck his mind.
He licked the dudes hand.
"EUGH-" The person let go of Tommy, and he once again tried to run, but the winged man was ready this time. He blocked the door with his wings.

Tommy ran face first into a wall of feathers. He begun coughing and spluttering,to which he didn't see a new figure entering the room, who grabbed his arm and handcuffed him to the bed post.

"What the fuck!?" Tommy screamed, his voice shaky.

The 3 figures stood around him, and Tommy got to take them in for the first time. There was a strong-looking pink haired person stood to the right of the winged man, he looked buff and his boar tusks certainly added to the intimidation.
On the left of the winged man was a gangly limbed man in a trenchcoat, his brown curly hair littered with streaks of white.
There was one thing in common with all 3 of them, they were undoubtedly vampires.
Each of their eyes were an unnatural shade of red, their ears slightly pointed, and their chests didn't rise and fall with breath, for they were dead, of course.

Tommy teared up, was this how he would die? Murdered by vampires?
"Please don't eat me.." He sobbed, desperately trying to back away.

The 3 shared a look, and burst out laughing.
"Eat you, why would we eat you?" The winged man wheezed.
"You probably wouldn't even taste good!"

Tommy was slightly offended, he would taste amazing thank you very much, but he got back to the matter at hand.
"So.. what do you want with me?"

The winged man stepped closer to him, and enveloped him in a hug. He had a disgustingly comforting presence.

"Oh mate, welcome to your new home."

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