Chapter 3

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TW: blood, gun violence, violence in general, death, one mention of torture

Please tell me if I missed any! Thanks.

Dream POV

Wilbur and I stood in our positions, hands on our swords in case of emergency. It was completely silent. There was no noise from the camp as it was nighttime, and everyone was sleeping soundly. Cricket noises filled the air. Everything seemed calm and peaceful. 

My mind wandered back to camp. What was Sapnap doing right now? And George? Were they sleeping? Knowing George, he was probably staying late, bundling herbs and making ointments. I smiled at the thought. I could already imagine George, standing at the counter alone, smashing leaves and everything. 

Sapnap would probably be awake too, he'd be too worried to go to sleep. My smile faltered, mind flashing back to our goodbye. He's a strong man, he'll be fine. Punz is also there, he'd to anything to make Sapnap happy. I felt a little bit better after that thought. Punz would definitely sacrifice anything just to see Sapnap smile. "What's on your mind?" Wilbur asked, walking over to me. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned over to him. 

"Nothing too much. Just thinking about what's going on back at camp." I answered. Wilbur hummed and nodded. 

"Yeah, me too. I'm worried about Tommy, he seemed extremely upset when we left." Wilbur said, sighing. He looked tired but we couldn't sleep. It was part of our duty to stay awake. I patted him on the shoulder, "He'll be okay. Everyone will help him cheer up. We should just focus on getting out of here alive, yeah?" He chuckled quietly and nodded. 

We went back to silence, lost in our own thoughts. Just get out of here alive. Nothing else matters. You just need to get back to camp alive. 


Snap! I turned around with my sword drawn. The noise came from a bush. Wilbur heard that too, bow in hand as he turned around. The other guards quickly surrounded the area, swords drawn. "Come out with your hands up or I will shoot." Wilbur stated calmly. There was no rustle. Wilbur let go of the arrow and it shot into the bush. There was a thud and we knew it met the target. 

"DREAM!" I turned around to see an arrow whizzing at me, I caught it in the air. "Thanks." I mumbled to Wilbur. 

I spun around to look at one of the guards. Pointing at one, I said, "You! Go back inside and alert the camp. Make sure they have everything in case of evacuation." He nodded and immediately scrambled back inside. We could hear the bells ringing. 

Wilbur got closer to me, "Dream, remember what you promised me?" I bit my lip and ignored him. He grabbed my arm, "Dream!" I saw another arrow coming at us and threw both of us to the ground. 

"A little late now, innit." I whispered to Wilbur. More of the SCS came rushing at us, bows and guns in hand. They began shooting, bullets flying everywhere. I cursed under my breath, taking cover behind a barrel. I took out my knives and began throwing, taking them out one by one. I could see Wilbur doing the same, but with a bow. 

Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my neck and begin pulling me back. Fuck. I couldn't move my arms and my legs weren't long enough to kick him or inflict any sort of damage. He had a knife against my neck and he dug it in. I wanted to scream in pain but my voice wouldn't work. Just as quickly as he took me away, he let go of me, screaming. I turned around to see Wilbur. There was a knife in the captor, his eyes already turning dull. Wilbur grabbed me and we started running to the camp entrance. 

"There's too many of them. There's no way we'll be able to kill them all. We need to abandon." Wilbur said. I nodded. We continued to run, dodging bullets and arrows that were coming towards us.

Wilbur screamed next to me. I turned around and saw that 4 men were jumping him with knives. I grabbed my sword but I was suddenly pushed back and smashed into a bunch of barrels and bodies. I stood up, dizzy. I couldn't see Wilbur. "WILBUR!" I screamed, trying to see through the gunfire and smoke. I couldn't even hear my own voice, there was too much shouting and screaming. And too much blood. So much blood. I could only see red. I stumbled back and ran into camp. 

I was greeted with more screaming. People were running around, some were evacuating, children were crying. It just made me more dizzy. Thankfully, there seemed to have been no SCS who have managed to get into the camp. I was sure that wouldn't last for long though. People screamed when they saw me and at first, I was confused. Then I realized that there was body matter in my hair and I reeked of blood. My neck wound was also getting worse, my own blood pouring everywhere. 

I couldn't feel anything. There was only 1 thing on my mind. Get back to everyone. I ignored everyone and began running to our cabin. I burst into the cabin, not even thinking about knocking. I was greeted with a knife to the face. Sapnap lowered it when he realized it was me. "DREAM!" He hugged me and I felt relieved to finally be back in his embrace. 

"Holy shit, what happened to you? Are you okay?" he didn't even let me answer, "George! GEORGE! COME DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" There were footsteps and George appeared. He seemed to be busy as he was rolling up bandages. He took on look at me and started to scream. He grabbed my arm and pulled me over to a chair, immediately tending to my wounds. 

"Oh my goodness, do you know how worried we've been? Where's Wilbur? I swear I will beat both of your asses. Sapnap wouldn't stop stressing out, which started to make me stress out. I even messed up when making an ointment. Can you believe that?" He started to ramble on and on and on. 

"Wilbur is still out there." I said. George froze, stopping his movements. He turned to look at me, fear in his eyes, "What did you say?" 

"We were both running to the camp entrance and then 4 guys jumped him. They all had weapons! I was going to go help him when someone pushed me into barrels. When I finally stood up and recovered, he was nowhere to be seen! Now he's probably dead or being tortured and it's all my fault. He saved me and I couldn't save him." Tears were running down my face and I didn't even realize them. 

"Hey, hey. It's alright. Nothing is your fault, you weren't the one who jumped him. You weren't the one who attacked the camp. None of what's going on is your fault. You did your best and that's that." George said, patting me on the back. Punz and Sapnap were quietly standing in the doorway. He cleared his throat. 

"I don't mean to interrupt, but they've broken into camp. We need to leave now." Sapnap said, there was evident panic in his voice. 

George cursed and grabbed the rest of his stuff, "Look Dream. I'm going to tend to your wounds when we're in a safe space. For now, just try not to touch them. We have to go get Tommy and everyone now." He made his way to the door but Sapnap stopped him. 

"We don't have time. I'm afraid we're just going to have to hope that they make it out themselves." Punz said, voice shaking slightly. There were loud crashes and screaming that sounded like they were right next door. 

"But they're just children! We can't-" I cut George off, "Punz is right. Let's just hope they're thinking of the same place we are..."

"The snowy fields thing?" Sapnap asked. I nodded. 

Not too long ago, when hunting, Wilbur had found this snowy place. It seemed like no one lived here because there were no houses and there were not traces of a single human. As a group, we all decided that if situations were to get dire, we'd all evacuate there. Please. Whatever God is up there, please let them make it out safely, and come to the snow biome. Please. 


1414 words! This chapter was a little rushed and definitely not edited so I hope it's not too bad. Thanks for reading!

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