Chapter 5

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TW: Mentions of a wound

Sapnap POV

I shivered, now regretting the thin clothing that was covering my body. "Hey. Take this." A voice said. I looked up and saw Punz handing me his coat. I shook my head. "I'm fine. You need that, you're going to freeze to death." 

Punz rolled his eyes. He stepped towards me and put the coat around me. I opened my mouth to argue, but I couldn't deny the amount of warmth the coat gave me. I sighed, "Fine. But only for a bit. You're getting it back." 

He grinned, "Whatever you say man." We continued trudging through the thick snow, in hopes of finding Purpled and the others. I looked at Punz. Without the coat, he was wearing a very thin white sweater and sweatpants. I felt a little guilty about taking away the coat from him. But it wasn't my fault, he offered it to me. 

I then looked at his face. His cheeks were pink from the cold but I couldn't help but noticed how pretty his hair looked with snow in it. There were snowflakes falling down and landing on his hair, staying there for a few seconds before melting. "What are you staring at?" Punz asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Uh... I was just thinking." I answered quickly, looking away. Blood rushed to my cheeks, making my already pink face even pinker. Why am I blushing? It's probably the cold. The cold always made me blush. 

"YOU TWO! STOP FLIRTING AND HURRY UP!" George shouted to us. We looked ahead and realized that they were extremely far from us. Punz looked at me with a mischievous look. 

I raised my eyebrow at him, grinning. He grinned back, "Last one there has to do night duty!" I sprinted towards George and Dream. There is no way I'm letting him beat me. I looked back and saw that he was slightly behind me, I laughed. And then suddenly, a cold object crashed on my head, making me trip and fall. 

Punz reached George and Dream, laughing. "YOU FUCKER!" I shouted. But I was also laughing. I grabbed snow from below me and threw it at him. 

He hit me with another snowball, hiding behind Dream. "I swear..." I ran towards him and pounced on him, throwing both of us to the ground. We started tackling each other before Dream and George pulled us apart. 

"Oh my goodness. You guys are acting like children right now. Remember the task at hand, we need to find Wilbur and everyone else." George said, looking at us sternly. Punz and I got up and we continued walking through the endless white. 

"You still lost by the way." Punz whispered to me before catching up with George and Dream. I affectionately rolled my eyes. That idiot. 


"Sapnap!" I turned around, confusion sketched all over my face. "Hold on. Did you guys hear that?" I asked. The others turned to look at me.

"Hear what?" Dream asked. The fuck? Am I hearing things? "Someone called my name! It was really faint, coming from this direction." I pointed in the direction I heard the voice. 

"Sapnap, do you have a cold?" George asked, concern visible in his voice. I shook my head, now feeling more bemused. "Wait. Shh." Punz said. We all stopped talking. 

That's when... "George! Please!" It was the same voice, coming from the same place. We all turned to each other, thinking the exact same thing. 

"That was Tommy's voice!" 


"TOMMY! PURPLED!" Punz shouted as we ran in the direction. Faintly in the distance I could make out a few figures. Excitement rushed through me. We found them! I waved, trying to get there attention. I thought I could see them wave back. 

One of the figures began to run towards us as well. It was Tommy! "Tommy! Oh my goodness, you don't know how long we've been trying to find you." Dream exclaimed, hugging him as he came towards us. Something was off. He looked happy, but also troubled. 

"Tommy? What's wrong?" Dream asked. Tommy turned to look at Punz, "It's Purpled and Wilbur. They're both unconscious." Punz turned pale. Before anyone could say anything else, he was already sprinting towards the Tubbo and the others. 

"Punz!" I shouted as I ran after him. Where the fuck did he get this speed? By the time I got there, he was already kneeling next to Purpled. 

"He has a fever. It's pretty severe." Tubbo explained. 

"Is he going to be okay? When did this happen?" Punz asked. By the amount of panic in Punz's voice, you would've thought that someone had just died. I walked over to Punz and gave him a reassuring pat. 

"Calm down. It's going to be alright. George is here, remember?" I said. He nodded, but I could tell that it didn't help in the slightest bit. I looked over to Wilbur's unconscious body and my eyes widened at the bandages. 

"What happened here?" I asked. Ranboo explained how someone broke into their cabin and hurt Wilbur and how they had to carry him all the way here. 

George and Dream finally arrived. Dream's eyes widened at the sight of Wilbur and rushed over. "Fuck." George just stood there, eyes darting between Purpled and Wilbur. He clearly didn't know who to treat first. 

"Do Purpled first. Wilbur has bandages on, he'll be fine for now." Tubbo said, answering Georges question. George seemed relieved that he didn't have to make the choice and nodded before rushing to Purpled's side. Punz stepped aside to let George check him. 

George put a hand on his forehead and muttered something. He reached into his bag and took out a bottle with liquid that had a faint green tint. He opened Purpled's mouth and put a couple of drops in his mouth. He took out another liquid and put a couple drops of that in his mouth. He then took off his jacket and wrapped it around Purpled. 

"Is he going to be okay?" Tommy asked when George was finally done. 

George nodded, "Yes. Judging by the temperature and the medicine, he should wake up in an hour or so but after that we must make sure that he is well fed, well rested, warm, and must not be exerted too much." I looked at Punz. He seemed relieved. I took off the coat that he gave me and gave it back to him. "Give this to Purpled, yeah?" Punz looked at me, opened his mouth, then closed it before nodding. 

George was already treating Wilbur. I watched as he took off the bandages, applied ointment, and put on clean bandages. "His wound should heal as long as he doesn't reopen it or get it infected." George said, putting everything back in his bag. 

"Holy shit George. You are literally our savior." I said. 

"Yeah. I know." George said.


1151 words! 

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