Chapter 6

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Tubbo POV

"C'mon everyone. Move it." Sapnap said. I finished putting a few more berries in my bag before standing up, ready to start moving again. Purpled had awoken and was getting back his energy and so was Wilbur. 

"Hey!" George exclaimed. He stomped over to Wilbur and took off one bag. "What did I tell you about carrying heavy things?" Wilbur opened his mouth but then shut it, grumbling to himself. 

"Who's going to volunteer to take the bag for Wilbur?" George asked. Dream immediately raised his hand, smirking at Wilbur. George passed the bag to Dream before giving Wilbur a final warning glance. 

"Where exactly are we heading to?" Ranboo asked, letting out a tired sigh. The group all shrugged. 

"I dunno. There's a forest over there though. There'll probably be more animals to catch and whatnot." Purpled said, observing the faint greenery we could see. Ranboo sighed again, "We have to walk all that way?" 

"C'mon. It'll be fun." Sapnap said, grinning. Punz put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't get too excited, hothead." Sapnap rolled his eyes at him. 

"Do you need help?" I asked Tommy. I could tell he was struggling to carry the bag. He shook his head, "Nah I got it." I raised my eyebrows at him but said nothing more. What did I expect. Tommy never wants to admit that he needs help. 

"HEY! STICK WITH US YOU GREMLINS!" Wilbur shouted. We looked up and realized that they had already started to travel. I grinned and quickly ran over, Tommy following suit behind me. 

"WOOH!" Sapnap shouted. I laughed at his excitement. 


"HEY! PUT ME DOWN!" I shouted. Dream laughed, "Nuh uh!" He ran around with me in his arms.

"UGH!" I stopped struggling and sighed. Dream just laughed again. "What's wrong bee boy? Having a hard time?" I slapped him across the face, pouting. 

"Fine! I'll put you down if you want it so badly." I could see a grin on his face as he dropped me. I screamed and landed in the snow. 

"BITCH! I'LL GET YOU!" I shouted as I chased after him. He laughed and ran over to Wilbur, hiding behind him. 



"I swear you're just as mature as a 5 year old." Wilbur grumbled. Dream just giggled. He had snow in his hair from the snowball fight we just had. 

"Yeah Dream-" Tommy said but was suddenly cut off by a deep voice. 

"Hands above your head. That's an order or I shoot." I froze and turned around. There was a group of men with uniforms.

The letters SCS on them.


431 words! I know this one is short but I wanted to end it off on this note and start up the next chapter in an exciting way. 

Comment? :)

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