Chapter 4

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TW: Blood, violence, gun violence, 

Tommy POV

"TOMMY! EVERYONE, GET YOUR BAGS!" Purpled shouted as the bells went off. I shot a worried look at Tubbo and Ranboo. That didn't sound good. Didn't sound good at all. Tubbo wasted no time, grabbing his bag that was already packed. Ranboo and I did the same, making sure it was strapped on tightly. We went downstairs. Purpled was muttering to himself and packing things in a bag. Meat, vegetables, a couple of medic supplies from George, and a couple of other things I couldn't quite make out.

We heard screams coming from outside and a couple of explosions. "Purpled? What are we going to do?" Tubbo whispered quietly. Purpled looked up and gave us a small smile, "I'll figure something out. Just try to pack more food in your sacks, okay?" The three of us nodded and did as he said. I could hear the screams and explosions getting closer and closer. 

"Okay. They're getting a little too close for comfort, come with me-" Purpled was cut off by a loud bang and the front door being blown off. Purpled immediately pushed the three of us into the corner and drew his sword. 

We huddled in the corner and I could feel Tubbo's terrified breathing next to me. Ranboo put a comforting hand on his shoulder. A guy came out of a dust, clearly a member of the SCS. He took one look at Purpled and the three of us and raised his gun. It wasn't aimed at me. It wasn't aimed at Ranboo or Tubbo. It was aimed at Purpled. He fired the bullet before any of us could react. 


Then a scream. It wasn't Purpled's scream. It was Wilbur's. I opened my eyes to see Wilbur tackling the SCS member. His hip was bleeding. Purpled jumped straight in to help, firing a bow shot. Wilbur stood up, looking at the lifeless body before him. "WILBUR!" I shouted, running over to my brother. He looked at me with a slightly dazed look. 

"To-" He gasped and started coughing, blood coming out of the wounds on his body. Tubbo and Ranboo rushed over and supported him. Purpled took a few bandages from his bag and wrapped them around his wounds. I could faintly hear more people coming closer to our cabin. We needed to act fast. 

"I'm fine. We need to go qui-" His body shook as he coughed more, gasping for air. 

"Fine? You're fine? Yeah, take that statement and shove it up your ass." I muttered. Fear clouded my mind. Wilbur won't die. Right? There's no way he'll die. He can't leave me, he can't. 

"Wilbur? Hello?" Ranboo's panicked voice shook me out of my thoughts. Wilbur was limp and his eyes were closed. Tubbo checked his pulse, "He's still breathing. Just unconscious." 

"What happened? Was it too much blood loss?" I asked, looking at the pool of blood that was surrounding us all. "I don't know. What I do know is that we need to leave right now." Purpled said. He finished bandaging Wilbur's wounds. It looked good for now. 

"We can't just leave him here!" Tubbo protested, glancing at Wilbur's unmoving body. 

"I never said that!" Purpled snapped, "I'll carry him. You three go on ahead." He lowered his voice and whispered, "To the snow biome. I'm sure the others will be there." 

I looked at Purpled, unsure if we should leave him here to carry someone who is taller and heavier than him all alone. Ranboo seemed to be thinking the same thing, "Are you sure you can get away while carrying him?" 

"Just go." Purpled said, shooing us towards the back door. The footsteps and screams were getting really close. They needed to make a decision now. 

Before anyone could argue any longer, Ranboo picked up Wilbur's and started carrying him bridal style and ran out the back door. I heard Purpled sigh exasperatedly but there was a small smile on his face. We quickly ran out and followed Ranboo. Naturally, he was a bit slower than the rest of us. 

"Once you get tired, just hand him to me okay? We can take turns." Purpled said. Ranboo nodded. There were no footsteps behind us, so that meant we were pretty safe for now. I closed my eyes and prayed. Please, let us find the others. I looked at Wilbur. Those bandages weren't going to last forever. We need George.


Purpled collapsed on the snow, panting with Wilbur in his arms. We did the same, laying on the snow for a few minutes. No one was speaking, all too tired to say a word. 

Finally, Tubbo spoke. "Do you guys have any idea of where the others might be? They can't be too far from us. Right?" 

"I know for a fact that Sapnap wouldn't allow himself to leave without getting Dream first. Dream must've came back to the cabin at the same time as Wilbur. Therefore, they shouldn't be too far from here. They should've just gotten here as well." Purpled said. I felt a little reassured at that statement. It made sense.

"What if they're not here at all? They could be somewhere completely different. And plus, what proof do we have that Dream made it out alive like Wilbur did?" Tubbo said, cutting in. The thought filled us all with dread. Dream? Dead? That was a foreign concept to me. He was always careful, and extremely powerful. 

"If we keep thinking like that then we might as well dig a hole and die. Have some faith in our friends." Purpled said confidently, but I could sense a little bit of uncertainty in his voice. 

"Sitting here definitely won't get us anywhere. We should start walking and hopefully bump into them." Ranboo said. In response, we all stood up and started to walk, no idea of where this would take us. 


"GEORGE! SAPNAP? PUNZ!" We all shouted as we continued to trudge into the dreadful white scenery. We had been shouting for what felt like hours. I felt like I was going to lose my voice. Tubbo nudged me and gave me a bottle. It was honey water. 

"It'll help." Tubbo said, smiling. I took it from him gratefully and drank it. My throat immediately felt better. "Thanks." 

"We should probably rest for a bit. What do you think Purpled?" Ranboo said. There was no response. We turned around. He was further back, slumped over Wilbur's body. 

I ran over, "Purpled? Are you okay?" I turned him over. He was unconscious, breathing short and fast. 

Tubbo put a hand on his forehead, "He's got a cold. A severe cold. If we don't treat it, it could kill him." What? 

"How do we treat it?" Ranboo asked, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around Purpled's lifeless body. Tubbo gave us a worried look, "I don't know." Shit shit shit. God fucking damn it. 

Now we really needed to find the others. 

"GEORGE! DREAM! PLEASE!" I shouted. No response. Only the ruthless wind answered my calls.


1177 words! 

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