Chapter 7

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TW: Mentions of drugging, fighting, gunshots, death, 

Please tell me if I missed any TW.

Purpled's POV

Fuck. We turned around and I could see fear in Tubbo's eyes. One of the guys took out a radio and said, "We've got 8 with us. They'll get sent back drugged."

Drugged? Oh hell nah. I took a deep breath and looked at the rest of us. I could see Sapnap and Punz looking at each other, seeming to be communicating. Dream coughed and gave me a look. Huh? And then it dawned on me. Oh. I see. 

Taking another deep breath I mentally prepared myself. You got this. Don't screw up, don't get killed, and don't get the others killed. I felt the electricity run through my body, and before anyone could realize what was happening, I dashed behind them and grabbed one of their guns before shooting them down. "RUN!" Dream shouted. 

I dashed out and ran. I didn't know which direction I was going or who I was going with, all I knew was that I had to run. 

"They're following us." I heard Dream say behind me, he swore under his breath. "Oh fuck." I was confused for a few seconds before realizing that there was a bigass lake in front of us. It was slightly frozen over, but definitely not enough for us to cross. We turned around. There were exactly 2 men following us, both holding guns in their hands.

"Wait. Where's Punz? And George?" I asked, looking around. Only Dream, Wilbur, Tommy, and Ranboo was with me. 

"What do we do?" Tommy whispered. He was clinging onto Wilbur, hiding behind him. 

"HANDS UP!" They shouted as they approached us. Warily, we all put our hands up and dropped our weapons. Not this shit again. 

"Just stay calm. I have a plan. Don't say anything and don't be snarky. Got it?" Dream mumbled to us. I nodded. What could his plan be? There's literally nothing we can do right now. If we were to initiate a fight, we'd all get killed.

"Fucking nuisances." One of the men says, pointing a gun to my head. I glared at him before remembering what Dream said, sweetly smiling at him. "Psychopaths." This people really have some nerve. 

Dream loudly cleared his throat, making both of them look at him. I realized that Dream was staring extremely intensely at them. Huh? Their eyes glazed over and realization dawned on me. He's manipulating their minds! Two people though? That must be exhausting. The two men dropped their weapons and walked straight into the water. Goddamn. Dream is scary. 

"Dream! You fucking idiot!" Wilbur shouted. He ran over to Dream who was swaying on the spot before falling down to the floor. 

"Dream? Dream, don't pass out. Stay awake." Wilbur said, shaking Dream. Dream mumbled something before passing out. Wilbur groaned, shaking his head. 

"Dumbass. He can't mind control one person for 10 seconds with getting tired, what made him think he could do it to 2 people?" I could hear worry in his voice though. 

"He should be fine. He'll wake up soon." Hopefully. I added in my head. Wilbur just sighed. 

"We should find the others. They're probably in trouble." Tommy said. I nodded in agreement. Wilbur just sighed again. 

"Why can't life just be simpler."


Sapnap POV

"GO INTO THE FOREST!" I shouted at the others. I heard a shout and assumed that meant they heard. 

"SAPNAP!" Tubbo screamed. I turned around and saw that one of them jumped him. I cursed, taking out my gun and shooting the guy before he could do anything to Tubbo. Tubbo was sitting there, in a state of shock. I ran over to him and grabbed him, ducking another gunshot. 

"MOVE IT SAPNAP!" Punz shouted at me. "JUST GO!" I shouted back. I managed to stand up and regain my balance, running again. 

I could hear Tubbo's staggered breathing and whispered, "You're fine. You're safe. Don't worry, okay?" 

We ran into the forest and took cover behind the trees. "Don't move." Punz hissed. George was knelt behind a bush, breathing heavily. Punz carefully and quietly climbed a tree, taking out his bow. I grinned, catching on to what he was thinking.

Soon, we heard footsteps. "Look behind every tree and check every bush." A gruff voice said. I held my breath. Hurry Punz, hurry. As if he could hear my thoughts, I heard a scream run out as an arrow met it's target. I let Tubbo sit on the ground and pulled out my pistol before peeking out the tree. 

I shot one in the chest as George shot the other. The three bodies fell to the ground. "Are there more?" I asked. 

"No. That's it." Punz said. I sighed in relief, turning back towards Tubbo. "Are you okay?" I asked. Tubbo looked at me and nodded, the shock wearing off. 

"Anyone hurt?" George asked. Punz climbed down from the tree and headed over to us. "I'm good." I said. Tubbo nodded as well, "Just a little shaken." 

"Okay. Just take it easy for now. We'll stay the night here and then we can go search for the others in the morning." George said. I agreed, letting myself relax. 

"I'll stay watch first." Punz offered. 

"M'kay. I'll do the next shift." I said. George nodded. "Okay then, let's go find a nice place to settle, yeah?" We nodded. 


I sighed, looking up at the stars. Punz was sitting on a boulder, watching the forest. You could hear soft snoring coming from George and Tubbo beside me. "Can't sleep?" Punz whispered. 

"Yeah." I answered. I was thinking about a lot of things. Over the past few days, a lot has happened. We evacuated from our camp, got split up, found each other, and now we've been split apart again. It's almost like the world is against us, not wanting us to stick together.

I voiced my thoughts to him, "I just don't get everything that's happening. Why do they hate us so much." I sighed in frustration. It was honestly getting tiring, having to run away and be afraid of your lives and the lives of your friends.

"Me too. Me too." Punz said quietly.


1032 words. Thank you guys for all the support on this book, it actually means a lot knowing that people want to read your writing.

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